CARNAC Multi-Role Automatic Flight Inspection system Thank you Monthy. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to talk about the SAGEM Flight Inspection System called CARNAC
Sagem DS Company Presentation Sagem Défense Sécurité is part of the Defense and Security business of the SAFRAN group, which contains four businesses: Aeronautical Propulsion Aeronautical Equipment Telecommunications Defense and Security SAGEM is a part of the SAFRAN Group is organized in 4 branches: Aeronautical Propulsion for Commercial Aircraft Engines Aeronautical Equipment meanly providing : Aircraft engines nacelles Landing gears Wheels and carbon breaks Telecommunication for Mobiles phones And Défense and Security for Sagem products
Sagem: an avionics supplier Back-up Power Supply BPS (x2) Pitch Feel Trim Unit PFTU Data Loading & Configuration System Back-up Command ModuleBCM SAGEM supplied avionics equipment for long time. You can see, on the display, some SAGEM equipments' provided for the Airbus A 3 80 ( A Tree Eighty). The SAGEM AVIONICS DIVISION supplied meanly: Inertial navigation systems Aircraft Condition Monitoring Systems (ACMS) Flight Data Monitoring (Analysis Ground station) and Flight Inspection System Large Environment Aircraft Unit LEAU (x6 ou 12) Network Server System Secure Communication Interface Rate Gyro Unit RGU (x6 ou 12) Centralized Data Acquisition Module Sagem Avionics Division products: Inertial navigation systems Aircraft Condition Monitoring Systems (ACMS) Flight Data Monitoring (Analysis Ground station) Flight Inspection System
CARNAC Operational in more than 40 countries 20 years AFIS design experience Operational in more than 40 countries Cat III accuracy positioning system certified for more than 10 years Adaptable to any aircraft Easily removable FIS (dual mission) High reliability and after-sales service support SAGEM provide Automatic Flight Inspection System for more than 20 years. CARNAC is operational on more than 40 countries CARNAC provide a 10 centimeter certified and operational positioning system for more than 10 years. This D-GPS technology is used to check airports up to Cat III in autonomous mode without any additional tracker. This Automatic Flight Inspection System is designed to be fit in any aircraft and to be removable in very short time if used for dual mission.
CARNAC Inspection Capabilities ILS Up to Cat III MLS MKR VASI - PAPI VOR - D/VOR TACAN DME NDB RNAV procedures SSR PSR/ SRE PAR VHF/UHF Comm VHF/UHF Gonio GNSS – ABAS : NPA GNSS – SBAS: WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS CARNAC Automatic Flight Inspection System provides the capabilities to check conventional navaids as: ILS, MKR, visual aids, VHF, UHF, Primary and secondary radars, TACAN as well new request as MLS, NPA, GNSS, NPA, RNAV procedures
CARNAC CORE SYSTEM Dual acquisition and processing compact unit Real-time acquisition & processing (up to 20 Hz) Simultaneous acquisition of all sensors COTS equipment Transfer of FIS data by flash memory Dual Operating System (Virtual Machine) Network configuration 1 or 2 displays Back-up capability The core system of CARNAC is a compact unit including real time acquisition and processing up to 20 Hertz. To secure the flight inspection missions from any potential virus, we used a dedicated Operating System for Flight Inspection and WINDOWS for others public software. To be adaptable to any request or evolution, CARNAC is working in network configuration with one or two displays and full back-up capabilities.
CARNAC MULTITASK SOFTWARE Flight Preparation Flight Inspection Post-Flight Analysis Report Edition Operator’s Training Of course, CARNAC allows the flight inspector to do all necessary flight inspection process from the preparation to the final report including the training
CARNAC MAIN FUNCTIONS Data base set-up Flight Inspection To create or to modify the files to be used before or during the mission Flight Inspection Real time processing Automatic receivers tuning and pilot guidance Display of all parameters on efficient graphics Storage of curves, computation results and operators comments Real-time Display in aircraft AND to Ground Maintenance Team Preliminary report before landing Using the data base set-up, CARNAC provide all modern and automatic functions including the capability to improve the communication with the ground maintenance team with the real-time display of all on-board information to the ground.
CARNAC MAIN FUNCTIONS Reporting Training Post flight processing On-board final report Exporting to any network (Intranet or Internet) Training Re-processing of all flight inspection missions on-ground or on-board On-board training simultaneously to operational Flight Inspection (≥ 2 operators) System maintenance Automatic receivers calibration On-board self-test Ground Maintenance Support System to check FIS equipment CARNAC data and report may be easily transferred to the public domain. The full training may be applied on-board or on the ground to one or many trainees. CARNAC allows the flight inspection team with a long term and reliable maintenance without sending FIS equipment to Sagem factory
CARNAC MULTI-NAVAIDS MULTI-NAVAIDS ACQUISITION and PROCESSING Simultaneous real-time flight check of: ILS VOR/DME TACAN ADF VHF ... The multi-navaids acquisition and processing capability allows the flight inspector to check simultaneously, in real time, all acquired navaids depend on the aircraft position. For example, the display shows 3 simultaneous flight check: VOR, VHF, and TACAN
CARNAC MULTI-OPERATORS CAPABILITY NAV1 NAV2 DME PC-Server GPS Basic AFIS : Flight Inspector 1 Flight Inspector 2 There is no limitation of operators. One or two flight inspectors may provide operational checks in the same time as one or many trainees may use CARNAC analysing real-time acquired data or replaying previous missions. Flight Inspector 3 Flight Inspector 4 2 or more flight inspectors may operate simultaneously
CARNAC AIRCRAFT DISPLAY Aeronautical and geographic maps Flight pattern procedure Aircraft path plotting Automatic or manual zoom CDI/EHSI/RMI DME & GPS indicators CARNAC aircraft display shows: cockpit information, aircraft position, aeronautical map, flight pattern procedures, GPS and DME data. Zoom are available in automatic or manual mode.
Real-time GPS MONITORING & MANAGEMENT VP-DGPS status: Position Solution quality Satellites data Satellite invalidation GPS configuration As GPS information are more and more important, CARNAC display the full monitoring of GPS data as satellite information and solution computation information including the capability to invalidate, in real-time, any disturbing satellite.
REAL-TIME DUAL RECEIVERS MONITORING Deviation between receivers computed in real-time: Indicator for instantaneous Alarm User’s Alarm configuration 3 deviation value colors Automatic deviation curves of plotted parameters Using dual receivers, CARNAC provide deviation curves between the 2 receivers and an automatic 3 colours alarm indicator: Green colour means “bellow margin” Orange colour means “within gauge” Red colour means “out of limit ” The tolerance values may be set-up by the flight inspector
REAL-TIME TRAJECTOGRAPHY WARNING To compare 2 Satellite Positioning Systems Monitoring of trajectography validity Instantaneous warning indicator User’s warning tolerance configuration Used for landing or en-route navaids FIS trajectography system compared with: Data from differential GPS correction Services Other satellite positioning system Deviation between receivers computed in real-time In the same way, CARNAC provide the capability to compare the main VP D-GPS positioning system to others GPS correction services or others satellite positioning system. CARNAC display the deviation curves between the 2 satellite receivers including accuracy value and warning indicator with dedicated colours. The flight inspector may set-up himself the parameters values of the warning colour’s.
CARNAC AUTOPILOT INTERFACE Pilots comfort improvement with automatic approach procedures Less tiredness Less failed approaches Coupled to the autopilot via ARINC 429 MLS input Flight Plans sent to the cockpit on dedicated display CARNAC is designed to make the pilot job easer. We send the flight inspection flight plans to the cockpit using a dedicated display. Flight Inspection data are sent to the autopilot from the MLS input.
CARNAC AUTOMATIC NAVAID LINK Automatic flying measurement procedures Check of successive or simultaneous navaids Procedures configuration set-up Automatic link of runs Flight plans to cockpit Real-time curves and results Post-processing of all reports Taking care about new procedures and requests to check simultaneously different navaids, CARNAC software allows the flight inspector to link runs automatically. CARNAC display in real-time the curves and results of the runs. The flight inspector may also use the post-processing, when necessary, to analyse the reports of the simultaneous checks made during the automatic flying measurement procedures.
CARNAC IN-FLIGHT TRAINING Independent from operational console During operational flight inspection Full data available from the acquisition system to allow different and simultaneous Navaids inspection Fittable at any seat without any modification Flight inspection training may be done in all condition: On-board or on the ground with the laboratory station Independently or associated to the operational console With one or many trainees During operational mission or not Using the full data from the operational acquisition unit or the full data of previous mission Appling different or simultaneous checks from the operational flight inspection
CARNAC REPLICATOR Real-time air-to-ground replicating system REPLICATOR (Ground Laptop) ))) ((( NAV1 NAV2 DME PC-Server GPS On-board FIS Real-time air-to-ground replicating system Real-time curves plotting for instantaneous adjustments No action required by flight inspector Aircraft map display All navaids supported Avoid language misunderstanding Maintenance team ready to do the good thing at the good time As the dialogue between the on-board and the ground team was limited to a voice communication and as the ground team had no way to see immediately the results of his adjustments, we designed the Replicator to provide in real time on-board flight inspection information directly to the ground. The Replicator display on the ground all the data which are available on board and locate the aircraft position during and between the runs. The ground maintenance team is able to monitor all information depending on the inspected beacon and is able to easily manage his time to be always ready to do the good thing at the good time. Avoiding any training, a significant reduction, around 15%, of the flying hours was noticed during standard flight inspection. This time saving is increased for more complex flight inspection as commissioning
CARNAC MULTI-ROLE VIRTUAL MACHINE Real-time multi-operating system: CARNAC operating under Linux Working simultaneously with others OS as Windows for others software's CARNAC software not affected by any Virtual Machine malfunction or virus CARNAC is available to provide flight inspection with the secure and stabilized LINUX Operating System. CARNAC is able to use simultaneously WINDOWS or others Operating System as requested by the customers. For example, the flight inspector may operate flight inspection and simultaneously used the ILS signal modelling tools to improve the flight check before or during commissioning
Detection & Localization of Jamming Detection and localization of aeronautical interferences Software provided by the French CAA Radio-monitoring of the aeronautical band and NAVAID frequency ( VHF and BF spectrum ) during ferry-flights, flight inspection campaign, specific requests Simultaneously or separately of Flight Inspection mission Using MELBA and CARL softwares developped by the DGAC/DSNA/DTI Data plotted on a cartographic background automatically adapted to the area crossed during the flight CARNAC may include the Detection and localization of aeronautical interference provided by the French CAA flight inspection team. This significant capability allows the flight inspection aircraft to detect and localize aeronautical interferences jamming simultaneously or independently of the operational flight checks. We invite you to the Sagem booth where French flight inspectors may provide you with more information about this capability which should be more and more necessary in the future.
ILS Signal modelling tools ATOLL & LAGON are designed and produced by the French Academy of Civil Aviation (ENAC) Training for LOC and GS Simultaneously or separately of Flight Inspection mission Radiation Simulation Simulation of adjustment/obstacles Investigation of LOC & GS radiation Reduce commissioning time CARNAC may include the ILS signal modelling tools provided by the French Academy of Civil Aviation (ENAC). This relevant capability allows the flight inspection aircraft to foresee LOC or GS commissioning checks simultaneously or independently of the operational flight checks. We also invite you to the Sagem booth where ENAC representatives may provide you with demonstration of this complementary capability.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION If you have any questions, please meet us at the SAGEM booth to get more information about CARNAC Multi-Role Automatic Flight Inspection system