World War I
Total War A total war is a war fought at home as well as on the battlefield. In a total war all of a nations resources go towards the war effort.
Aspects of Total War Government drafted men to fight the war. Government raised taxes and borrowed money to pay for the war. Government rationed, or limited the supply of goods at home, so the military could be provided for. Governments use propaganda to damage their enemies war cause. Women join the workforce to fill in for the men fighting.
Military aspects of the war World Involvement Central Forces: Germany, Austria-Hungry, Ottoman Empire & Bulgaria Allied Forces: Britain, France, Russia, Italy & eventually the U.S.
New Weapons Naval Warfare Poison Gas Tank Airplane Machine Gun U-Boat British Navy
Major theaters of war Eastern Front 1914-1917 Battle lines shifted back and forth Armies not fighting trench warfare but casualties were higher than west. Russian soldiers were poorly equipped and many deserted.
Southern Front Western Front Bulgaria joined the Central Powers and Italy joined the Allies. Western Front German hope for a quick victory failed. Troops instead found themselves in a stalemate and trench warfare Millions lose their lives in “No Man’s Land” Battle lines remained almost unchanged for 4 yrs. as millions die!
American military contributions Why was it important for the U.S. to get involved in WWI? Troops, about 2 million Money Materials Morale Boost Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy Wilson’s plan to strike a new note in international affairs and to see that honesty and unselfishness will prevail over nationalistic self-seeking in American foreign policy.
Steps to American involvement German Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Lusitania British passenger liner that was sunk by German U-boats, it contained British war materials and 128 U.S. citizens
Hostility towards Germany Zimmerman Note A note written that arranged an alliance between Mexico and Germany in the event that the United States entered WWI. To encourage Mexico’s cooperation, Germany promised that Mexico would regain Texas, Arizona and New Mexico upon a German Victory.
American Economic Interests America traded mostly with Allies America fights to save Democracy American Security Submarine warfare threatens U.S. security
Allied Propaganda Atlantic Cable Cable that connected London to NYC The British were able to control the news that was coming from Europe The news promoted the allied cause & depicted Germans as ruthless conquerors
Affects of propaganda German Measles- Liberty Measles Dachshund- Liberty Pups Sauerkraut- Liberty Cabbage Hamburger- Salisbury Steak Frankfurter- Hot Dog
Closing/Reflection What is Total War? What are characteristics of Total War? Who were the Central Powers? Who were the Allied Powers? What were some new weapons that made WWI so deadly? What did America bring to the Allies upon entering? Name 2 main reasons for U.S. involvement in WWI? What was the Atlantic Cable? How did the Atlantic Cable shape U.S. opinion about the War?