Real-time Data Collection in Flood Warning Systems
Flood Warning System Benefits Flood warning systems help reduce flood damages through early detection of potential flooding and the issuance of flood warnings. Upon receipt of flood warnings, those individuals affected initiate response activities designed to protect life and property. As the time to flood detection and warning decreases, the time available for response increases. This is a key objective of the flood warning system.
Flood Warning System Components Real-time data collection of rainfall, water level, and weather information. Critical level detection and alarm. Automated data dissemination. Flood forecasting using watershed and channel models. Inundation mapping using GIS.
Flood Warning System Network Diagram Remote Station Remote Station Internet Radio Receiver Data Collection Base Station Web Page Server Printer Pager Warning Database Database Forecast Workstation Telephone Jack Database
Real-time Data Collection Remote stations measure rainfall, water level, weather, and snow parameters. Remote data is transmitted to a base station computer. Base station software records data, checks for validity, tests for alarm criteria, and sends data to other hosts for analysis.
Rainfall Station Tipping bucket rainfall sensor Electronics package counts gauge tips Radio transmits data to base station
Rainfall station near Petaluma, CA
Rainfall station at the Panama Canal
Water Level Station Shaft encoder connected to float measures changes in water level. Pressure transducer measures water pressure to determine water level. Electronics package counts samples level sensor data and smoothes readings. Radio transmits data to base station.
Level station at Deer Creek, Sacramento
Level station at Deer Creek, Sacramento
Tidal station at Milford, CT
Wireless Links to Sensors Levels sensors cannot always be located near the electronics equipment. 900MHz radios are used as a wireless link to a remote sensor.
Wireless Link Drawing
Weather Station Weather station sensors: Wind speed/direction Temperature Relative Humidity Barometric Pressure Snow water equivalent Snow depth
Weather station at the Panama Canal
Yavapai County Arizona
Snow Station Add a weighing rain/snow sensor to a weather station that measures the water equivalent of snow. Measure snow depth with an ultrasonic level sensor.
Base Station Base station software receives data from remote stations. Checks for data validity Tests for alarm criteria Displays data to users Sends data to other hosts for analysis. Pages operators when sensor data reaches alarm levels.
Public Data Viewing on Web Pages Data is exported from the base station to web page servers for viewing by dispatch operators, managers, and the public. Map displays show the gauge locations and readings. Data display is color coded to show critical levels. Hydrologic threat scores are computed to simply operator analysis of the data. Reports organize the data for time analysis. Plots show data trends over time.
Web Page Links to Site Displays Overlay site data on top of site photograph. Annotate data display to show critical levels Alarm detection pop-up requiring acknowledgement.
HydroLynx Systems, Inc. thanks you for the opportunity to make this presentation.