Early Events & Dilemmas US History Chp. 9.2 & 9.3 Notes for flaps in ISN
Whiskey Rebellion Tax passed on whiskey & citizens rose up against the taxing authority of the govt. Washington sent in troops to stop it Established govts. authority
XYZ Affair French mad because US took more territory. So they took US ships then wanted $$ (bribe)to give them back. Adams mad, refused payment Showed US was not a push over
Alien & Sedition Acts President could imprison or deport untrusted Aliens (French/American Citizens) & Can’t publish bad stuff about the president. Virginia & Kentucky Resolution-UNCONSTITUTIONAL! & a violation of STATES RIGHTS. States rights important. Not too much power for federal govt.
Battle of Fallen Timbers Native Americans (NA) tried to partner with Great Britain (GB) & Spain to protect their territory because Americans violated Washington’s earlier agreement. American Troops brutally defeated NA’s Treaty of Greenville ended battle w/ NA agreeing to give up most of current Ohio
Jay’s Treaty British mad at US so took American ships and impressed soldiers British agreed to withdraw Unpopular with Americans because did not address impressment
Washington’s Foreign Policy Wanted to stay neutral Signed Proclamation of Neutrality GB & France mad cuz US would not take sides