Sandeep Kapur Consultant Surgeon, NNUH Chair, CST committee EoE ARCP Sandeep Kapur Consultant Surgeon, NNUH Chair, CST committee EoE
When? CT1: June CT2: July
How? Online Interview Deanery Panel 20-30mins
What is ARCP? Annual review of competence progression Summative event Determines your level of achievement and define your progress Use annual review checklist
What happens? Key documents: AES report Learning agreement Panel checks (outcome is decided before you enter the room!) Progress on learning objectives WBAs CEX, DOPS/PBAs, CBD, MSF Exams Logbook Courses Any other activity – audits, publication, presentations
Learning agreement Was the level of achievement you and your AES agreed realistic? Was the proposed level of achievement aimed for at the end of training feasible in the time, given your entry level? Based on the written evidence in the portfolio, were appropriate checks and balances in place in terms of feedback including a mid-point appraisal? Was the period of training and/or support legitimate? Factors such as illness, curtailment of services and so on can contribute to a trainee not achieving the terms of the learning agreement and should be recorded. It is on the basis of this information that the ARCP panel will be in a position to receive your presentation and discuss the next steps in your training with you
Outcomes Achieving progress and the development of competencies at the expected rate Development of specific competencies required – additional training time not required Inadequate progress by the trainee – additional training time required Released from training programme with or without specified competencies Incomplete evidence presented – additional training time may be required Gained all required competencies; will be recommended as having completed the training programme and for award of a CCT or CESR
Outcomes 2 & 3 Not entirely negative! In an outcomes-based curriculum such as this we would expect some trainees to require more training or time than others and some less Important that there is evidence to show that your rate of progression is achieving firmly based competencies. Clearly, repeated failure to progress cannot be allowed to continue and in those circumstances you and your programme director must have a realistic discussion of where your professional future best lies.
If you don’t agree You have the right to appeal Over the way the process was conducted Legitimacy of your training ARCP judgement Each Deanery will have a specified appeals process which you will be pointed towards “Gold Guide” for Postgraduate Specialty Training
Remember Update your portfolio & logbook contemporaneously WBAs regularly numbers as per learning agreement 1/week 50% need to be consultant signed AES / CS reviews