April 2003 NewsEdge
NewsEdge Refinery Content –NewsEdge Editors Picks –NewsEdge Alerts/Smart Wires/Active Feeds Services –Dialog NewsEdge –Live –eContent
NewsEdge Refinery The Refinery is the key to the NewsEdge Value-Add proposition. Crude/unrefined news, just like crude oil, is of no use to anyone. Refined news, like refined oil, is a tremendously valuable commodity. The NewsEdge Refinery turns crude news into refined news…. ………..heres how
Refinery Process Global news content Newswires Newspapers Trade journals Business publications FormatTagFilter Taxonomy 3,500 subjects All listed companies Source, geography, date/time etc Delivery Pure real-time or Editorially enhanced for relevance
NewsEdge Editors Picks Every day the real-time output of the refinery is reviewed by a team of expert human editors. For each subject (Topic or Editors Pick) the Editors select which are the most relevant stories. They discard irrelevant stories, just selecting the best version of each. All stories are then ranked in order or relevance. Users are then presented with just the stories they need to read Read Less, Know more.
Alerts, SmartWires & Active Feeds The real-time, refined output of the refinery BEFORE HUMAN REVIEW has different names in different products but is all basically the same. Alerts (eContent), SmartWires (Live & Insight) and Active Feeds (XML/XOD). Users benefit from a real-time but relevant stream of news from a large number of sources. Why pay for a single news source, 90% of which may be irrelevant, when you can get all the relevant bits from hundreds of sources?
Dialog NewsEdge Browser based customisable interface. Alerts/Real-Times News – up to the second. Editors Picks – highest relevance. Dialog NewsRoom – widest/deepest archive. Markets, Company Financial/stock information plus charting. alerts Publishing Facility
Customised Views Modules for this view Stories matching criteria and real time update Stock Prices for Selected Companies NewsRoom Archive
Customised Views Companies to Track Stock Price Charting
NewsEdge Live Windows application Real-time scrolling news service. Ability to integrate any full-source news wire (Reuters, Dow Jones etc). Ability to deliver refined real-time content from the Refinery – SmartWires. Real-time sub-second alerting Fully user definable profiles, searches etc.
Full view with preferences flagging stories of interest
Customised Workspace
Alert Banner can be viewed without NewsEdge being on the screen
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