Servei de Gestió Acadèmica ONLINE REGISTRATION GUIDE (Doctorate)
Finish online registration CONTENT Login Start Programme selection Username: ►DNI: 11111111-X ►NIE: X1111111 Password: ► New students: your birth date written as follows: DD-MMM-AA. (Example: 22-GEN-97) ►Other students: the same you are using to log into the other URV online services (Intranet, Moodle, etc.) Personal details Registration type Terms of payment Fee details Finish online registration Payment by card Print Click Servei de Gestió Acadèmica. Guia Automatrícula (Doctorat)
Finish online registration CONTENT Login Read carefully the information provided on the top of the following screens. If you have any question, please contact with before finishing the registration process. Start You can change the language Programme selection Personal details Registration type Terms of payment Fee details Finish online registration Payment by card Print Use the navigation tray or this buttons to move between the different screens Servei de Gestió Acadèmica. Guia Automatrícula (Doctorat)
Finish online registration CONTENT Login Choose the doctoral programme you want to register. If you want to receive information from the university, check the box below. Start Programme selection If you need it, check the Help Personal details Registration type Terms of payment Fee details Finish online registration You have to choose the dedication (Part-time or Full-time) authorized by the Academic Committee Payment by card Print If you want to change your dedication, check this procedure. Servei de Gestió Acadèmica. Guia Automatrícula (Doctorat)
Finish online registration CONTENT Login Before continuing, verify that your personal details are correct. Start Programme selection Personal details Registration type Terms of payment Fee details Finish online registration Payment by card Print Servei de Gestió Acadèmica. Guia Automatrícula (Doctorat)
Finish online registration CONTENT Login If you meet the necessary requirements to enjoy any type of special registration and you have submitted the accreditative documentation to your secretariat, the corresponding box will already be selected. Start Programme selection Personal details Registration type Terms of payment Fee details Finish online registration Payment by card Print If you are entitled to a discount and it does not appear, contact your secretariat. Remember that the deductions and exemptions are cumulative. If you are a foreigner, bear in mind that in some cases special registration (such as victim of terrorism or gender violence) requires a certificate issued by the Spanish authorities. Servei de Gestió Acadèmica. Guia Automatrícula (Doctorat)
Finish online registration CONTENT Login ► Types of payment > Payment in instalments: It can be applied if the total amount exceeds 300 euros and if the registration is completed before December 20. Two invoices will be generated and they will be charged to your account on the following dates: • Starting from the 6th day after the registration date: 50% of the thesis tutorial and 100% of the taxes. • December 20: 50% of the thesis tutorial. Two payment options: • First invoice to be paid by card and the second one directly debited from a Spanish bank account • Both invoices directly debited form a Spanish bank account. > Single payment: The invoice total amount will be debited to the provided account as of the 6th day after the registration date. You can also choose to pay by card. ► Payment methods: > Direct debit > Card payment > AGAUR loan: if you choose this option, you have to choose a single payment. Start Programme selection Personal details Registration type Terms of payment Fee details Finish online registration Payment by card Print Servei de Gestió Acadèmica. Guia Automatrícula (Doctorat)
Finish online registration CONTENT Login Verify that the data related to the different concepts and the generated invoice are correct. Start Programme selection personal details Registration type Terms of payment Fee details Finish online registration Payment by card Print If you want to enjoy any of these services, click on “Include” Servei de Gestió Acadèmica. Guia Automatrícula (Doctorat)
Finish online registration CONTENT Login If you have followed all the steps and do not have any doubt, validate the registration. If you are not sure, click "No, I want to continue" and make the necessary modifications. Remember that, as long as you are within the established deadlines, you can cancel the registration and try again later once you have resolved your doubts. Start Programme selection personal details Registration type Terms of payment Fee details Finish online registration Payment by card Finish the online-registration Click here if you still want to make any modification Print Servei de Gestió Acadèmica. Guia Automatrícula (Doctorat)
Finish online registration CONTENT Login If you have selected online card payment, you will have to complete the requested payment information. Start Programme selection personal details Registration type Terms of payment Fee details Finish online registration Read the terms and conditions and check the box to enable the “Accept” button Payment by card Print Enter your card details to complete the payment Servei de Gestió Acadèmica. Guia Automatrícula (Doctorat)
Finish online registration CONTENT Login We recommend you to save and / or print a copy of the registration invoice. Start Programme selection Click on the printer icon if you want to print a copy of the registration invoice or click on the floppy disk icon if you want to save a PDF file personal details Registration type Terms of payment Fee details Finish online registration Payment by card Print If you want to apply for the student car, check the following link. Servei de Gestió Acadèmica. Guia Automatrícula (Doctorat)