Warm Up # 28 Based on the Enlightenment readings from last class, what are the major ideas that Enlightenment philosophers have?
Enlightenment Focuessed Notes Workbook pg. 11 Class Documents pg.7
Essential Question What is the Enlightenment and how did it impact humans lives?
Directions 1. Number the paragraphs on pg. 7 2. Read paragraphs 1-4, as you read, Circle Key Terms Highlight Claims/Key Information 3. Translate information into notes
Paragraphs 1-4 Philosophy has immediate application Do ideas really matter? The ideas of Rousseau caused revolution Carlyle – Philosophy determines attitudes and behaviors in everyday life. World view helps us understand historical actions and political systems. Philosophy = World View
Paragraph 5 Saw growth in Medieval to Modern Western Society Enlightenment =Outgrowth of Resistance and Scientia Rev. Saw growth in Technology Scientific Investigation Political Systems Medieval to Modern Western Society Science rather than God Led to Bloody Revolutions
Directions 1. Number the paragraphs on pages 7-8 2. As you read Circle Key Terms Highlight Claims/Key Information 3. Translate information into notes