Introduction to Psychology – Day 1 Expectations: No cell phone zone (DR for any use during class). No ear buds or headphones at any time (DR for any use during class) Take notes Tests will be a mixture of subjective and objective questions. All tardies will count.
Introduction to Psychology A = 90 – 100% B = 80 – 89% C = 70 – 79% D = 60 – 69% F = 50 – 59% Grade Weights Tests and Quizzes 40% EOC 10% Projects 25% Bell Ringers & Essays 25%
Late Work No zeros will be given for late work until the end of the unit. You will received Incompletes. Three incompletes and I will contact your parents. Three incompletes and you will be assigned AAP at the teacher’s convenience to complete the work. At the end of the unit, zeros will be given for any work not turned in for that unit. There will be no extra credit, nor will grades be bumped. If you have an 89% at the end of the semester, your grade will be a B.
Bell Ringers We will begin each class with a bell ringer. Come into class and get started right away. Write the date, number of the class (e.g., Day 1), and the question. They will be turned in each quarter (twice in the semester). They are to be in complete sentences unless otherwise stated in the question and should be approximately ½ page in length, typed, and double spaced.
Introduction to Psychology What is the study of psychology? The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. What does this definition mean? Let’s list 10 things you think about when you think of psychology.
Introduction to Psychology Pre-test Don’t worry about this as a test grade. It is to give me a baseline re who knows what. Goes into the gradebook, but doesn’t count against your grade. Better to answer than to leave blank. Read the questions carefully and do your best job. You will have 45 minutes for the exam. Get as far as you can.