Physical Education Standards The Bigger Picture
National Consensus Developing a physically active lifestyle Clear change in mission Clear change in what we should be doing Physical activity versus physical education How to develop a physically active lifestyle Contribution of each of the national standards
National Standards Background New Revisions Why align with national standards? What national standards don’t do? Decisions states and districts need to make: ?national standards Grade level outcomes/indicators/benchmarks
Grade level outcomes: What are the issues? Provide direction for curriculum Not curriculum Framework is the next step What are good ones Critical Few in number Assessable
What is the Process? Do you want to use the national standards? Standard to grade level outcomes Levels of grade level outcomes What you want to assess Desirable Develop assessment material
What NASPE is Doing to Support the Standards? National assessment bank Standard 1 this spring Advantages of the “bank” Other standards will be written to start Support materials for assessment DVD observation training CD of all rubrics Fitnessgram like program