Continue your drawing from here, where you already the HL, VP, a house and a road. Again, if you don’t have a HL and VP, you always want to draw them before drawing anything else. X
Step 1: Draw the closest side of the triangular prism (a triangle) The bottom roof should touch the top of the house, so they share a common edge (green edge). The closest side of a triangular prism is a triangle, as is in 3-D world. X
X X Step 2: Draw perspective lines by connecting all the 3 corners to the VP.
X X X Step 3: End the form. (1) End the form where the house end. Lightly draw final edges that are parallel to the front edges of the prism, of which the endpoints fall on the perspective lines. These lines represent the rear edges of the prism.
X X Step 3: End the form. (2) Decide which lines are visible by imaging solid surfaces that are closer to the viewer than these lines (the blue part). All edges hidden by the surface should not be shown in the drawing.
Don’t forget surfaces of the box you draw before which may hide the edges of the roof. Step 3: End the form. (2) Decide which lines are visible by imaging solid surfaces that are closer to the viewer than these lines (the blue part). All edges hidden by the surface should not be shown in the drawing.
Step 3: End the form. (3) Only keep the lines that are visible and erase the rest of the lines that are not visible. X
Step 4: Darken the receding edges X
Step 5: Clean up the perspective lines. X