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Transformations on the Coordinate Plane

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Presentation transcript:


Transformations What happens when something transforms? Transformation- a movement or change of a line or shape. There are three types that you have examined in the past. There is also one called a dilatation (enlargement). Rotation Reflection Translation

1) Rotation A rotation is spin or turn. You simply move it around.

1) Rotation Practice: 1) Draw a triangle and rotate it 180°. 2) Draw a rectangle and rotate it 90° 3) Draw a ray and rotate it 270° To complete a rotation, you need to pick a vertex to be your rotation point.

2) Reflection A reflection is a mirror image of a line or shape. You reflect it around a line of symmetry.

2) Reflection Decide if the image is a reflection.

2) Reflection Draw the reflection of the image.

3) Translation A translation is a movement in any direction. It can move up, down, left, and right.

3) Translation Looking at the non-shaded figure, answer. What directions did the shape move?

Transformations Decide if it is rotation, reflection, and translation.