Webropol events – getting started 2 Adding and editing questions
This first screen will allow you to start adding questions. A number of tabs/symbols are common to both Events and Survey The title can be amended to add more details such as a contact email Remember the questions you ask will directly effect the reports you get at the end
You can amend the title Decide what type of question you want to put in – normally the contact form to start with You can put in the details of what each question is about The mobile, phone and email boxes are configured to only accept email, and numbers respectively. They can’t be used for anything else, but you can change the name or delete them The elements of the contact form can be easily amended by using the Add or edit multiple options, including deleting whole lines.
Once the contact form is configured, you can move onto the other questions. Add Question – on the top tool bar will show you all the types of question available. Once you’ve selected a question type it will automatically be placed into the next blank space on your form. All these question types are also used in the survey tool, but with more added.
Text questions Selection Questions Open ended – used for qualitative data and gives a large box for registrants to type into Text field – also for qualitative data, but the amount of typing space is smaller. Good for “Other” fields Contact form – as seen in the previous slides. Gives quantitative data Selection Questions Simple single choice selection Multiple choice selection Single selection drop down menu Can be used to ask a registrant to attach a document – for example if you need proof of a qualification before they can be accepted onto the event.
These symbols allow you to configure your question and are standard to all question in both the event management and survey tools. Use this to reposition the question order by drag and drop Once you’ve added a question – in this case a single selection you can just add another question by using the “Add Question” at he end. Makes the question Mandatory Individual question settings Skip logic see the separate section Copy questions Makes your choices pictures that you’ve imported Delete question