Hierarchy of a Game Design Team Thanks to: Tim Thompson, Kelvin Smith, and Sander Wiersma
Creative Director set the vision and direction the team will take in completing the game. responsible for selecting the personnel Marketing functions to promote the game present the progress of the game development oversees many game projects at the same time.
Project Manager responsible for coordinating all of the lead level people, and ensuring that the game is completed on time and on budget. only manage a single project at a time. Gantt charts are useful, they help display the tasks needed by each department along a timeline for completion.
Lead Designer Making the game concept “come to life” Final build decisions Leader of the team Game designers report to him Works closely with artists and programmers
Game Designer Establishes the rules of the game Ensures the game will be assembled and working as imagined Has the skills of most of the duties needed in video game builds The ability to program core mechanics Program game without glitches Create the physics engine into core mechanics
Level Designer =responsible for designing and programming one level, leading there to be several level designers in a team. =need design input by the user interface designers, game writers, art designers, and audio engineers. =They program the game level map, background objects, characters, animation sequences, and displays all according to the game rules.
User Interface Designer ~The user interface designer is basically responsible for creating the controls and making sure you can move and interact with the game with immersion ~User interface designers make really immersive controls
Game Writer Have a creative writing degree responsible for creating character depth and interaction Creating backstories Must be able to write both technically and narratively.
Lead Artist +An art designer creates the visual elements of a game +Art designers tend to work in teams +It is the job of the art designer to produce each asset for the design team to program into the working game
Audio Engineer -Must work on multiple projects at once -Has to make sure the sounds match the vision and mood of the game -Use sound equipment to introduce depth into the game -They use four main types of sound: Active sound, background music, Voice-overs, ambient sounds
Quality Assurance Tester/Game Tester >They test out each level to ensure the game works properly >They will try different things to see if the game will crash >Cheat codes are created so the tester can try all levels without having to start all over again. >Cheat codes are never removed , but they are eventually released to the public
The End