Five Steps to Good Manure Management 1. Move manure to storage platform when home storage is full 2. Test nutrients for good nutrient plan 3. Manage stockpiles carefully 4. Spread the correct amount carefully 5. Pump out liquid holding before it overflows
Solid Manure Management US Solid manure system
1. Manure Removed from Houses Must be Stored Somewhere Roofed storage mandatory for belt systems in the US, highly desirable for other types of systems
2. Test Nutrients for Your Manure Management Plan Most states require MMPs Land Applying Poultry Manure
3. Manage Manure Stockpiles Carefully
Stockpile Shape The shape of the stockpile can affect losses.
5. Spread Carefully Avoid sensitive water resources Observe regulatory separation distances Watch the rain…don’t spread when black clouds are coming Achieve a uniform distribution at the correct rate
Manure Managed Correctly is Not an Environmental Threat