Appeals & Grievances WG: Progress Report Susan McIntosh (ex officio) Don Morrison Randy Stevenson Moshe Vardi (chair)
By-Laws: Appeals: “any matter where the concern is whether proper university procedures have been followed, including decisions on promotion and tenure” Grievances: “regarding any matter of concern except decisions on promotion and tenure” Panels: “A majority of the members of a Panel must be members of the Senate” Confidentiality: “administrator may need to discuss with other administrators”
Policy clarifications: Terminology: Appeals: decisions of P&T Committee Grievances: everything else Procedural issues: University procedure not followed University procedure implemented in a biased or unreasonable manner Cooperation: all university units are obliged to provide convenor with requested information Report will spell out instances of non-compliance Confidentiality: all parties involved, including administrators, are obliged to maintain confidentiality.
Staffing Panels Panels: Role of convenor: Allow non-senator members At least one senator, but no majority of senators needed. Role of convenor: Staff and convene panels Need not chair panels Use panel’s report to prepare separate reports to President and appellant
Communicating with panels Other parties: Allow interested and informed parties to communicate directly to panels to enable appeals to be launched based on confidential information not available to appellants. Appellant may not have access to confidential information. Mid-process intervention: Allow interested and informed parties to raise procedural issues with convenor during P&T process; convenor will convey to provost. Try to resolve situations as early as possible.