What is DECA? And Why Should I join?
What is DECA? An Association of Marketing Students Over 180,000 members nationwide Provides educational experiences that further develop leadership skills for increased career opportunities Offers community service activities Provides access to scholarship opportunities Opportunities to compete and travel
Why join DECA? A chance to practice and learn valuable lessons in the importance of COMMUNICATIONS & HUMAN RELATIONS. Participation gives valuable experience in practical ORGANIZATIONAL TECHNIQUES, valuable in business.
Why join DECA? You will learn that ENTHUSIASM at the top generates enthusiasm throughout the organization. Ambitious goals result in GREATER ACHIEVEMENT than when you establish comfortable goals. Participation can be an exciting experience in PERSONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT.
Why join DECA? Proud achievements will help you develop greater Self-confidence & a better self-image. Participation in committees and leadership.
Why join DECA? Personal and organizational experience may spark the skills of ORIGINALITY & CREATIVITY. You may build FRIENDSHIPS & SPHERES OF INFLUENCE so valuable in later business life. Important to future success, DECA involvement can give you development in MATURITY & SELF-RELIANCE.
Why join DECA? Valuable lessons may be learned - how to INVOLVE & MOTIVATE others to attain worthwhile goals. Working with DECA Members can teach you valuable skills in TEAM BUILDING & PARTICIPATION.
Why join DECA? You will learn the value of TIME MANAGEMENT as you complete your projects and assignments. Valuable practice may be gained in the development and application of MANAGEMENT STYLES for effective results.
Why join DECA? Exercises and techniques of PROBLEM SOLVING and effective COMMITTEE WORK may be learned through DECA. In preparation for the real business world, you will learn how to PROFIT FROM MISTAKES and the THRILL OF SUCCESS.
Why join DECA? DECA can give you a WINNING EDGE in the competitive world of business and marketing by teaching you what you need to know to SURVIVE & SUCCEED in the years ahead.
How do I join? Get a sign-up sheet from Ms. Waldrip or Mrs. Awalt. Turn dues into Mrs. Awalt Bring $25 for dues: Food @ monthly meetings T-shirts State & National Dues DECA Dimensions $5.00 Gift Certificate to Lion’s Den. Omit 1 bad test grade or exempt a test. Not the Final!