MENTAL REHERSAL The following is based on Anxiety, however the process can be applied to Anger or Concentration problems
Factor – anxiety ‘Mental rehearsal creates an image in the mind . You feel yourself performing the skill successfully’ Boosts confidence by rehearsing previous good performances ie reducing negative thoughts
Mental rehearsal controls the athlete’s response by mentally practising relevant cues and importantly eliminates all distractions before the competition It helps you control your breathing and eliminates muscular tension Mental rehearsal motivates the athlete by recalling images of scoring a goal or beating a competitor
Mental rehearsal sets the scene with a complete mental picture of their performance - the athlete is then totally focused on the task and has no time for anxious thoughts or negative self talk before the event starts
Mental rehearsal Helps to refine skills Motivates the athlete by recalling images of their goal for that session Refocuses the athlete when the need occurs eg sluggish / poor form – imagery of previous success
Mental imagery Sets the stage for performance - a complete mental run through of the key elements of their performance . This should form part of the athlete’s pre competition routine Mental rehearsal should not focus on the outcome but on the actions to achieve the outcome
Mental rehearsal Mental rehearsal should be used every day at training and after training ‘You only achieve what you believe’
Approach to Develop Social factor Social Factor – Team Dynamics Approach for development – Team Building Practices Team building exercises help to build team morale where team mates learn to rely on each other. It develops peoples’ strengths as well as addresses weaknesses
Team building should be enjoyable and often takes place away from the working environment eg golf course or an assault course The exercises aim to get the team interacting with each other. Quality time together as a team. Tasks are set up specifically to develop team skills - players learn to become more effective and achieve success whilst at the same time have fun
Team building exercises aim to improve teamwork, communication skills, leadership qualities, motivation and playing as a team. Players have to buy into the concept of team building exercises otherwise in the heat of the game players may go back to their old ways of arguing withy each other and refusing to cooperate Can you think of some team building tasks