Mid-term Review November 1-2, 2017
Ultimate Outcome- Increased environmentally sustainable economic opportunities for poor rural men, women and youth. 1000 : Improved management of technical and vocational education and training in Vietnam 1100 : Improved access to lessons learned and best practices in environmentally sustainable market oriented technical and vocational education by provincial and national policy makers 1200 : Managers of TVET institutions have improved skills to lead TVET institutions that are community centered, student oriented, autonomous and responsive to the demands of the private sector 1300 : Provincial human resource development plans more effectively orient TVET institutions to the needs of businesses and the aspirations of learners within the provinces
Ultimate Outcome- Increased environmentally sustainable economic opportunities for poor rural men, women and youth. 2000 : Improved access to quality and relevant skills training programs for women and youth and ethnic minorities and rural population by technical and vocational education and training institutions 2100 : TVET system in target provinces has increased capacity to respond to needs of locally situated enterprises 2200 : Increased access to skills training in particular for women youth ethnic minorities and rural populations in target provinces 2300 : Enhanced quality of skills training for women, youth and ethnic minorities and rural populations in target provinces