Marcus Wilson Intro to Ethical Hacking November 30th, 2016 Burp Analysis- GEICO Marcus Wilson Intro to Ethical Hacking November 30th, 2016
About GEICO Government Employees Insurance Company Founder Leo Goodwin was targeting a customer base of US Government employees and military personnel Currently servicing over 14 million auto policies and more than 23 million vehicles Subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Corporate headquarters in Chevy Chase, MD
GEICO Homepage Ads Geico Domains Social Media Layouts Images Fonts Social Media Heavy JavaScript being used for images, geolocation, fonts, and sessions The site map tab shows all the additional sites requested such as other company domains, social media, and ad management sites Customer Experience
GEICO Account Login Attempting to login to policy account using TestUser1… After submitting the login form the site creates a token and multiple sessions Passes and displays username and password in clear text