Baroque Schedule Today – watch The Power of Art: Caravaggio Tuesday – Baroque notes Wednesday – Baroque samples – visual and music Thursday – Review all samples Friday – Binder check and test cards – turn in test cards and samples notes Monday – Baroque test
Baroque Schedule Today – Caravaggio video and reflection – you will need a blank piece of paper and a pen/pencil Friday – Review all samples – turn in test cards and samples notes Monday – Baroque test Tuesday – Make-up tests – Baroque Binder checks – start Neo-classical Era
Humanities – Copy the prompts Entitle these notes The Power of Art – Caravaggio While you watch the BBC program, answer the following questions: Make a basic timeline of Caravaggio’s life as an artist Describe Caravaggio’s personal life and why it created problems for him Describe Caravaggio’s art and how it was controversial. Give specific examples (titles of the pieces) Explain the significance of Death of the Virgin How is Caravaggio’s work similar and different from what we saw in the Renaissance? Write a 3-4 sentence summary
Humanities – Copy the prompts Entitle these notes KET Rembrandt Video While you watch the KET/Discovery program, answer the following questions: Make a basic timeline of Rembrandts life as an artist Describe Rembrandt’s art and how it changes throughout his career. Specifically address early and late years of his career. Explain the significance of The Night Watch Describe both Rembrandt’s painting style and etching style How is Rembrandt’s work similar and different from what we saw in the Renaissance? Remember to write a 3-4 sentence summary
Humanities Remember that today is the last day to turn in missing work After we finish the video, make sure all prompts are answered Don’t forget your summary
Sociology Read chapter 7 section 2 today, pages 209-212 Pay close attention to the two theories covered – the chart on 211 is a good resource Complete Cornell notes for the section Complete and turn in the section assessment on page 212, 1-5
Sociology Remember that today is the last day to turn in missing work We will have a video about conflicts in Ukraine with a worksheet You will turn the worksheets in on Monday (new grading cycle)
Summary Remember to write a 3-4 sentence summary If you haven’t already, entitle these notes The Power of Art: Rembrandt These are your second notes for your Baroque binder check (the first should have been the baroque art and architecture worksheet)