Top Ten In groups of four create a top ten list of: Things you should never do on a date Things you should never do at a red light parked next to a police cruiser Places to never be seen by your friends Things you should never wear in public Be ready to share your lists!
The Ten Commandments
What are The Ten Commandments? The Ten Commandments are God’s rules for the people of the world. Why do we have them? The commandments were the first time God revealed his rules for the people in concrete form, using a method they could understand. The commandments are structured in such a way that if one follows the first three, the last seven are more likely to be followed. What purpose do they serve? The significance of the commandments is that it is a call for humans to respond to God’s words.
Do they take away freedom? Do they make life boring?
Imagine if… Can you imagine growing up in a house where there were no rules? Think about it, no rules whatsoever. Picture yourself at three or four years old, running with scissors, sticking metal in electrical outlets, playing with the stove, hanging out on the roof, whatever. What if your parents had ‘let you do whatever you wanted, with NO direction when you were a kid? They’d be considered pretty bad parents, wouldn’t they?
Imagine if… Why then, when God, our Father, gives us safety instructions for our own good do we act as though it’s ‘just a bunch of rules’ designed to ‘take away our freedom’ or ‘make life boring.’ What kind of Father would God be if He didn’t give us a framework, a map, a clear path to get to Heaven, so we could all ‘hang out’ in perfect happiness and joy for eternity?
So What Do They Mean? The Commandment The Call Action The Commandment The Call Action I am the LORD your God, you shall have no other gods before me. Faith (Trust in God) All faith in God, freedom from lesser gods: wealth, sex, power, popularity. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. Respect Holiness Respect for God and the things of God: prayer, worship, religion. Keep holy the Sabbath day. Renewal Not just resting on the Sabbath, but setting aside time for prayer, good recreation, quiet reflection.
The Commandment The Call Action The Commandment The Call Action Honour your father and your mother. Family Loving care and respect for all family members, elders and younger siblings, too. Respect for elders in general. You shall not kill. Respect For Life Courtesy to all, speaking respectfully to all, seeking the best for all. Respecting others' freedom while still defending all human life. You shall not commit adultery. Chastity Faithfulness (Fidelity) Faithful actions beyond just abstaining from sexual contact outside of marriage. Respect for sex and marriage.
The Commandment The Call Action The Commandment The Call Action You shall not steal. Justice (Honesty) Concern for the rights of others, especially when they get in the way of what we desire. A commitment to fairness and a willingness to suffer loss rather than depriving another. You shall not bear false witness. Truth A dedication to what is real and true, even if that reality is against our interests. You shall not covet your neighbour's wife. Purity A desire to want only what God wills. A single-hearted devotion to God's way. You shall not covet your neighbour's goods. Generosity A cooperation in God's own generosity that sees all goods as belonging to God and freely given for the good of all.