Going fishing
Here are the boats. They are called canoes.
Daniel is digging out the middle of the log to make a canoe.
We sail our canoes to get from our island to school.
We use the canoes for fishing.
We use our canoes to carry things we need to the island.
Bosco has caught two fish on his line.
Anton has caught two fish on his spear.
We can paddle fast in our blue canoe.
We can swim in the warm sea too.
Here are some fish cooking for breakfast.
Do you like this carving?
What do you know about fishing?
Do you know any stories about Jesus and the fishermen?
Good bye!
Acknowledgements Thanks to the people of Kapo Island for allowing us to spend a few days with them. Fr Edward Mali, Diocese of Kimbe. Matthias Ire, Caritas Papua New Guinea – Diocese of Kimbe. Photos by Fr Philip Gibbs Visit September 2012.
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