Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Greenger Room 18 3rd Grade
All About Me Graduated from UC Berkeley in 1995 (pre-med) Teaching for 22 years (12 years at Roscomare) NBC teacher since 2003 GATE Coordinator Schoology LMS Champion Work with Teacher Support Unit Married for five years I have three fur babies.
Teaching Philosophy Equity vs. Equality
What Are Common Core Standards? Language Arts: These standards are designed to develop students’ critical thinking and analysis skills through close reading of complex text. Students provide evidence based responses and utilize text-dependent questions. Math: Students develop deeper critical thinking and problem solving strategies.
3rd Grade Curriculum Benchmark Advance Literature Circles (Tornado) Mathematics (My Math) FOSS Science/NGSS Social Studies Computer- Planet Bravo Art, P.E., Music is integrated into curriculum
Standards Based Rubric All scores are based on the extent each child meets or exceeds the curriculum 4-advanced: exceeds and has mastered standard 3- proficient: meets standards 2-partially proficient: meets some of the standard 1-not proficient: performing below the standard
Schoology Basics This is the first year elementary schools are using Schoology For each reporting period, elementary teachers are only required to enter: three grades in language arts three grades in math one grade for each of the other subjects such as social studies, science, physical education, and health. These grades are just a snapshot of the student’s progress. Teachers will still consider the whole picture before assigning final grades. Pilot phase... We will let you know when Schoology has full functionality Teachers should emphasize that we are really just getting our feet wet this year. Any grades posted on Schoology are not necessarily a reflection of the students’ overall progress.
SCHOOLOGY & STUDENTS Students can use Schoology to: Join teacher created groups Watch lessons posted by the teacher Complete and submit assignments Keep track of upcoming assignments and due dates. Basics: students can join teacher created group. There students can attach, create, and submit assignments. They can also watch any videos or lessons that teacher posts on Schoology.
SCHOOLOGY & PARENTS Parents can use Schoology to: Access student grades through the parent portal (Passport) on the LAUSD website. View their child’s assignments Stay informed about any classroom curriculum posted by the teacher.
Homework Language Arts: spelling and grammar Mathematics and Khan Academy P.O.W. ( Problem of the Week ) Lexia (Thursday) Book reports (Bottle Buddy) Science Project Typing Club
Problem of the Week (P.O.W.) Strategy Solution
Meeting All Learners’ Needs Differentiation Thinking Maps Technology Depth/Complexity Novelty Book Reports/Projects Acceleration Flexible Grouping Faster Pacing
Planet Bravo Responsible Internet Use Cloud –based documents-basics Proofing Tools and Shortcuts Computer Hardware-troubleshooting Animation Research/brochures Programming
Beyond the Classroom Lexia Typing Club mrsgreenger.typingclub.com Benchmark Universe Clever.com Google Classroom Classroom.google.com Khan Academy
Classroom Management The Money System Ways to earn money Ways to spend money Teaches place value Teaches responsibility Teaches honesty Teaches compassion
Classroom Website http://www.mrsgreenger.com Newsletter Week at a Glance Assignments/Homework Language Arts Resources Math Resources Parent Center
Field Trips Cabrillo Marine Museum November 14, 2018
How to Contact Me To contact me, you can: Stop by before school Notes in homework planner Email me at mroth@lausd.net I check emails between 7-4 (school days only)
Room Parents Please go online to Shutterfly to sign up class parties, conferences, and classroom help. A note from Booster
How Can You Help? Art P.E. Classroom Preparation Filing Photographs/DVD Production Correcting/Reviewing Class Work Literature Circles/Small Groups Special Events Field Trips Surprise teacher with a non-fat latte
A Few Requests, Please… Please make sure your child arrives to school on time. Send your child to school with lunch, lunch money, or leave it in the office. Have any birthday celebration requests approved by me in advance. Please arrange for a parent conference in advance.
Thank You!