Quality Assurance: double sided silicon sensors for the Silicon Tracking System Pradeep Ghosh for the CBM Collaboration Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
Silicon Tracking System The Silicon Tracking System (STS) is the central detector of the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment. Its task is the standalone trajectory reconstruction of the high multiplicities of charged particles originating from high-rate beam-target interactions. The silicon microstrip detectors must be radiation hard and are red out by a fast self-triggering front-end electronics. Si detectors 1272 6.2 × 6.2 cm2 648 4.2 × 6.2 cm2 452 2.2 × 6.2 cm2 172 sectors/modules 1040 ladders 106 r/o channels 2.1 M r/o chips 16.6 k r/o boards 2080 hub boards 180 CBM01 1st full-size prototype (2007) close-up of a corner of double-sided microstrip detector CBM01 (thickness 300µm & strip pitch 58µm) schematic view of silicon sensor with contacts pads & bias rail
Quality Assurance Quality assurance for silicon sensor includes Visual tests on arrival Control & distribution to testing centers Verification of specifications via tests Electrical tests Bulk IV & CV tests Strip response Inter-strip parameters Radiation hardness tests Bonding tests Module tests Central database for keeping track of sensor response Probe station Zuess 3000 Top : IV Characteristics (left), Bias Resistance (right) Bottom: Radiation Damage (left), Interstrip resistance (right)