The Byzantine Empire (330- 1453 C.E.)
Emperor Justinian (527-564 C.E.) Expanded Empire- Funded by high Taxes Wife Theodora helps him save Empire from Revolt Commissions Hagia Sophia Survives Plague Justinian’s Code
Justinian’s Expansion
Empress Theodora Controversial Power was beyond Traditional Role of Women Saved Justinian’s……. Throne!
Justinian’s Code Classification of Roman Common Law
Architectural Achievements Hippodrome Hagia Sophia
Christianity in Byzantine
The Great Schism 1054 C.E. Roman Catholic Church Greek Orthodox Church Idols are Idolatry Priests Cannot Marry Church Layout often in Shape of Cross Center of Church is in Rome Pope Excommunicates Patriarch Michael Cerularius Statues of Christ are Idolatry Priests can Marry Church Layout often in Squares Center of Church in Constantinople Patriarch excommunicates Pope Leo IX
Ottoman Empire Takes Over Rise of Islam Empire ends in 1453 C.E. Ottoman Empire Takes Over Rise of Islam