Transformer Impedance
In Simple Terms Transformer impedance is the % of rated voltage required to push 100% of the rated secondary current when the secondary winding is short circuited.
Simplified Equivalent Circuit Transformer impedance Z = R + jX Z is represented in percent of rated primary voltage to cause rated secondary current in a short-circuited secondary.
Transformer Impedance Transformer Impedance Is A Major Parameter To Enable Parallel Operation Of Transformers For Proper Paralleling The Following Are Required: Same Percentage Impedance For All Units (With Some Tolerance) Same Phase Relationship Between Windings Same Voltage Ratios Similar Power Ratings
Maximum available fault current Calculate the secondary (LS) current at the given MVA Calculate what the impedance related voltage is based on the % impedance. Calculate how many times the calculated voltage will go into the rated primary voltage. Multiply this number by the full load current at the MVA
Now The Easy Method Fault Amps = Full Load Amps ÷ Impedance