Class of 2017 Guidance Presentation Peekskill High School Class of 2017 Guidance Presentation
Who We Are Erin Arnold –M-P including PACE Jane Thorpe – all grades I-L, R-Z Lenroy Stevens – all grades A-H
People to know Principal – Mr. Hutchinson Assistant Principals – Ms. Daniels, Ms. Reyes and Mr. Picou School psychologist – Ms. Shay School Social worker – Ms. Bean
Counselor Confidentiality What counselors have to disclose: Harm to self Harm to others Someone Harming you
Graduation Requirements 2 Physical Education 1 Foreign Language Total of at least 22 credits Passed required Regent exams ELA Global History US History Integrated Algebra Science 4 English 4 Social Studies (Global History I & II + US History + US Gov/Econ) 3 Math (Alg. + 2 additional) 3 Sciences (Lab Science & 2 additional science) 1 Art/Music .5 Health
Goals & Expectations What do you expect to get from high school? Why do you attend? Why do we have a public education system? What is your intended outcome?
Laying the Foundation Education is the building block for success. Skills such as Reading comprehension, analyzing graphs and charts and public speaking are invaluable and will serve you well in the future. Learn study skills: always prepare things ahead of time, do not procrastinate. Learn to proofread and edit your work. Ask questions in class, Engage the material.
Benefits to a high school education
High School Planning Your school counselors are here to assist you in reaching your post secondary goals. Whether it be college, military, vocational school or entrepreneurship there is information and assistance to help you achieve success
resources Counselors and teachers Elton brand academy Call back Tutoring Youth bureau Field library