Early China Xiua Period 2100 to 1600 BC Villages arranged around long houses Pit houses typical similar to other neolithic settlements Cities appear in China with Shang Dynasty 1850 to 1000 BC Walled enclosure around aristocratic centers Villages and industry outside the walls Appearance of post and Beam houses Symmetrical Palaces Zhou Period 1000 – 250 BC Growth of walled cities. Existing cities grow larger with suburbs Walled off ceremonial buildings at center – like Forbidden City in Beijing Appearance of Dougong brackets Qin Period 250 – 200 BC Beginning of Great Wall Qin cities had rectangular grid layout based on cardinal points
Forbidden City in Beijing Closed to the public as center of Government Royal Palace Government Building North South Axis Tiennamen Square is at the front gate
Dougong – system of brackets at top of column and crossbeam Dou means – block of wood The bow shaped arm is called a gong Beam and Tiers and column and tie beam structural styles develop 25 to 220 during Han Dynasty Distinct Chinese style develops 220 – 590 AD Spread of Buddhism brings influences from India, Persia and Greece
dougong jian
Five Main Characteristics of Chinese Architecture 1. Unity of Structure with Architectural Art Beautify the structural components 2. Good anti seismic function Mortise and tenon joints Shallow foundations
3. High Degree of standardization jian – bay between 2 frames there were 2 styles of frames Dimensions of structural components based on Standard modules – a “cai” cai had 8 permissible sizes In Qing dynasty it was doukou
4. Bright Colors – painting started 700 BC to ward off insect infestation Colors used in specific manners – walls and pillars red, roofs might be yellow eaves green or blue
5 Systematic grouping of buildings Planned buildings around courtyards and then Added more buildings and more courtyards. North - south axis in planning many cities note Summer Palace Plan below
Main Building Types Palaces Temples Shrines Mausoleums Halls, Pavilions, Monasteries Grottoes Bridges Courtyard Houses
Palaces Forbidden City is main existing Example North south axis
Shrines Used for offerings to ancestors, Famous Historical personages
Temples 2 types – ones with stupas - these developed into the pogoda style and those arranged around courtyards – usually a palace donated by an emporor
Mausoleum Elaborate Mausolea For Emperors
Halls, Pavilions, Monasteries
Bridges Gardens and Walls
Courtyard Houses