Learning objectives: To analyse the impacts of mass tourism What terminology could support this topic?
Why has tourism increased?
Sketch butler model
Where in the Butler model would you put the place in the picture?
Tourism in Benidorm – Blessing or curse? Key questions: Where is Benidorm? How has mass tourism in Benidorm grown? Why has mass tourism in Benidorm grown? What are the positive impacts? What are the negative impacts?
Benidorm tourism – blessing or curse? Use google maps to find the location of Benidorm. Sketch this on your case study Annotate to describe 3 features of its location Annotate 3 reasons why this is a popular tourism destination (hint, think about the graph of international tourist destinations last lesson)
How has tourism grown in Benidorm?
Look at the two photos of Benidorm Look at the two photos of Benidorm. The photo on the left shows the resort in 1960; the photo on the right was taken in 1995. What are the main differences?
Use this resource on toppinggeography.com Either: Create a timeline to describe the changes in Benidorm from 1950-2010 Or: Sketch out the butler model and annotate to show how the example of Benidorm fits with the model Use this resource on toppinggeography.com
Why has tourism boomed in Benidorm?
Watch the video http://www.spain-holiday.com/Benidorm Add to your timeline / TALC model: Reasons why tourism has grown Numbers of tourist visitors
Effects of mass tourism growth in Benidorm Positive Effect Negative effects Social Economic Environmental
Use p226 Start to fill in the table
Suggest reasons for these trends
Suggest reasons for the trends below
Sustainability What is it? Definitions on the post its
Definition "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." (Brundtland Commission)
Discuss the impacts of mass tourism (9 marks)