PQA Just talk to the students Ask about their weekend Student interview before class Student survey
The story is about a student actor. Use the students name. Maximize the students personality. Only choose enthusiastic students.
Coach student how to act If the student doesnt act with enthusiasm, have him/her do it again.
Use details from the students life. Story about a sporting event Give a cat piano lessons Student teaches ______________
Students culture Favorite movie stars Favorite singer Favorite dance Favorite sports team Students IPOD
Students Act out Story Any time there is a part of the story that can be dramatized, the story stops until the actor acts out that part of the story. Use the question often, How did s/he react?
Student actors have dialogue. The teacher narrates the story. For example, Gringo looked at the girl and said, I need your book. The girl said, You cant have my book. I am reading it. Spoon feed the actors these lines. Wait for the actor to say the line before proceeding.
Examples of student activity Write s Talk on the phone Listen to IPOD Dance Read a book Sing Play a sport Eating
Use details to make the students look good Compare celebrities to your students. Students always look better than the celebrity.
Examples of making students look good Who is smarter, Chula or Einstein? (By a little bit or a lot?) Exaggerate student activities. John reads 35 books a day. Mary (a golfer) plays golf 17 hours and 10 minutes a day.