Lab Policies, GitHub, Submission System, Written Documentation Overview, Teaming Class 3 Notes – Sections 1-3 CSC 492 – Senior Design – Fall 2018 Ms. Margaret Heil Director Dr. Sarah Heckman & Dr. Jamie Jennings Technical Advisors (Section 1) Mr. Abhishek Pandey TA (Section 1) Dr. Lina Battestilli Technical Advisor (Section 2) Mr. Michael DeHaan Technical Consultant (Section 2) Dr. Jason King Technical Advisor (Section 3) Mr. Ignacio Domínguez TA (Section 3) Mr. Nick Freeman Technology Specialist
Today’s Agenda Lab Policies – IT Staff Testing – Dr. King GitHub & Submission System – Nick IPR Guidelines – MRH Teaming - MRH
Interim Progress Report (IPR) - MRH IPR Guidelines Rubrics First Draft Due September 14 Executive Summary Project Description Preliminary Requirements Preliminary Design Preliminary Testing Any Other Section (for Feedback!) Final IPR Due October 3 Grade Based on Entire Process (Feedback Given on Both Versions)
Team “A Team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.” From The Wisdom of Teams, Creating the High-Performance Organization - Katzenbach & Smith, 1993
Brainstorming Exercise Leadership
Four Stages of Teaming Forming Storming Norming Performing
Forming Bringing People Together to Form a Team Characterized by Uncertainty Finding Out: How members are chosen Purpose What do I do? Leader Directs
Storming Occurs When a Team First Encounters Conflict Struggle for Power Finding Out: If conflict resolving ground rules are effective! That conflict can be positive Leader Coaches
Norming How a Group Operates As a Team Establishment of Norms Via Personalities & Ground Rules Finding Out: How members interact Different learning/working styles Individuals’ strengths & deficits Leader Supports
Performing High Level Performance of Task Evaluation of Work Characterized by Confidence Leader Delegates
Situational Leadership High 3 - Norming 2 - Storming Supportive Behavior 4 - Performing 1 - Forming Low Directive Behavior High Low