What's New From ERA-EDTA 2018?
Treatment Gaps in CKD
Progression of Kidney Disease Renocardiac Syndrome
Bardoxolone Phase 2 and 3 Studies in Patients With Diabetic CKD
BEACON Sustained Increase in eGFR
Exclusion of At-Risk Patients in BEACON Appears to Improve Risk-Benefit Profile of Bardoxolone
TSUBAKI Study (Japan) in Patients With Diabetic CKD
LARIAT Study Phase 2 Trial Assessing Bardoxolone in PAH
Alport Syndrome
CARDINAL Study Phase 2 Study in Patients With Alport Syndrome
PHOENIX Study Design
PHOENIX Study Initial Results From a Phase 2 Trial in Patients With ADPKD and IgA Nephropathy
Delaying Progression of Kidney Disease
Increases in Urinary Protein Are Consistent With Increases in GFR and Not Injury
Kidney Failure Outcomes
Retained Benefit After Drug Discontinuation Insights From the REPRISE Trial in ADPKD
CARDINAL Phase 3 Study Design
Long-Term Impact of Bardoxolone on Kidney?
Future Considerations for Managing Patients With CKD
Other Possible Agents Targeting Inflammation
Final Thoughts
Abbreviations (cont)