Week #25 The Crusades
Last Name, First Name 2/23 2/27 ? “The Crusades” 2/23 2/27 ? 25 “The Crusades” This week in class I will learn about the Crusades and the lasting effects of contact between Christians and Muslims.
I will identify and explain the causes and lasting effects of the Crusades by reading the Reading Study Guide and answering related questions with my learning partner. Monday 2/23/15 7.6, RH 2, WHST 4 2 In your opinion, why do you think the city of Jerusalem would be important to Christians? 1945 – US flag is raised on Iwo Jima dishearten
Bell Work I think the city of Jerusalem would be important to Christians because ___________________________ ___________________________.
dishearten To depress the hope, courage, or spirits of; discourage verb To depress the hope, courage, or spirits of; discourage
“Introduction to the Crusades” 0:00 – 1:51 * Also accessed on GaggleTube
Chapter 10 Lesson 2 Reading Study Guide – “The Crusades” classroom.google.com Chapter 10 Lesson 2 Reading Study Guide – “The Crusades”
Answer Together as an entire class Questions #1.1 and 1.2 Christians wanted to take control of Palestine because it was a sacred place for them due to its connection to the life of Jesus. The Crusades fought Muslim armies winning control of a narrow strip of land. This land was divided into four crusader states. Answer Together as an entire class
Answer Together with your partner Questions #2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 Answer Together with your partner
Answer individually by yourself Questions #3.1 and 3.2 Answer individually by yourself
Tuesday What was the result of the First Crusade? authentic I will trace the routes of each Crusade and describe the final outcome of each of them by completing a map activity with my learning partner. Tuesday 2/24/15 7.6, RH 7, WHST 2 2 What was the result of the First Crusade? 1836 – Alamo defenders call for help authentic
Bell Work The result of the first Crusade was ___________________________ ___________________________. 16
authentic Adjective Not fake or copied; genuine 17
* Also accessed on GaggleTube “The First Crusade” 1:20:00 – 1:29:26 * Also accessed on GaggleTube
Crusades Map Activity Page 327 Atlantic Ocean Black Sea Mediterranean Sea Page 327 19
Crusades Map Activity Page 327 Atlantic Ocean Black Sea Mediterranean Sea Page 327 20
Crusades Map Activity Page 327 Atlantic Ocean Black Sea Mediterranean Sea Page 327 21
Crusades Map Activity Atlantic Ocean Black Sea Mediterranean Sea 22
Crusades Map Activity Page 327 & 328 Atlantic Ocean Black Sea 1096-1099 Europeans captured Atlantic Ocean the Holy Land from the Muslims. Black Sea Mediterranean Sea 23
Crusades Map Activity 24
Wednesday Who was Saladin? serial I will identify the key events that happened during the Crusades by reading an article, answering focus questions, and creating a Flow Map to show what I learned. Wednesday 2/25/15 7.6, RH 2, WHST 9 2 Who was Saladin? 1793 – The first cabinet meeting serial
Bell Work Saladin was_________________ ___________________________ ___________________________. 27
serial Adjective Occurring in a series 28
* Also accessed on GaggleTube “2nd Crusade” 49:55 – 57:00 * Also accessed on GaggleTube
How to Create Lines for your Flow Map
How to Create Arrows for your Flow Map
How to Create Boxes for your Flow Map
The Crusades Flow Map 600 A.D. 2nd Crusade 1st Crusade 3rd Crusade Problem Solution Outcome 3rd Crusade …the next 70 years Children’s Crusade 4th Crusade
600 A.D. Arabs entered the city of Jerusalem and took control of it. They did allow Christian and Jews to visit.
1st Crusade Constantinople asked the Holy Roman Empire for help from invading Arabs. The pope decided to help. Problem Solution Outcome The city fell after a 2 month siege. The crusaders won Jerusalem. A new group of Arabs closed Jerusalem to Jews and Christians The pope called for a Crusade to try and retake the city
Finish your flow map with your partner using the information you just read. 2nd Crusade 3rd Crusade …the next 70 years Children’s Crusade 4th Crusade
Friday How did the Crusades effect Europe? wholesome I will assess my understanding of the information covered this week as will be demonstrated by taking an assessment and completing and submitting my Week 25 work. Friday 2/27/15 7 6, RH 1, WHST 7 3 How did the Crusades effect Europe? 1862 – Abraham Lincoln introduces the first “greenbacks” wholesome
Bell Work The Crusades affected Europe by ___________________________ ___________________________. 42
wholesome Adjective Healthy or sound 43
Chapter 10 Lesson 2 Quiz Go to classroom.google.com Click on the Google Form entitled, “The Crusades” – Chapter 10 Lesson 2 Quiz Finish any assignments from this or past weeks Logout and turn-in your computer when completely finished.
Submitted via Google Classroom Turned-in to the teacher today Week 25 Work Submitted via Google Classroom Turned-in to the teacher today History Log Crusades Map C10 L2 RSG C10 L1 Vocabulary (with the sub) Crusades Flow Map C10 L2 Quiz