11 Effective Use of Time Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ( )
22 Two Priorities What one thing could you do that, if you did it on a regular basis, would make a big difference to your personal life? What one thing could you do that, if you did it on a regular basis, would make a big difference to your working life?
33 Time Stealers? Phone calls Unexpected events/crises Incoming post/ Meetings Can I have a word? meetings
44 Urgent and Important? Urgent A task is urgent if you need to do it to meet a deadline Important A task is important if it has a significant impact on achieving your goals and objectives To decide on urgent and important tasks ask yourself:- Does it have to be done now? Does it have to be done by me? What are the consequences if it does not get done?
55 Time Management Quadrants UrgentNon-Urgent Important III Not Important IV III Crises Pressing problems Planning Prevention Relationship Building Recreation Interruptions Some meetings Some post/calls Trivia Time stealers Pleasant activities
66 Time Management Quadrants UrgentNon-Urgent Important III Not Important IV III 10% 90% Results: Stress Burnout Firefighting
77 How to Spend Time Quadrants UrgentNon-Urgent Important III Not Important IV III Give these tasks the time they need Results: Vision Balance Discipline Control Few crises Spend appropriate time on these tasks Do next but spend minimum time on these tasks Think carefully before committing time to these tasks
88 Four Generations Notes and Checklists Calendars and Appointment Books Setting Priorities and Goals Managing Ourselves
99 Coveys 7 Habits Be proactive Begin with the end in mind Put first things first Think win/win Seek first to understand, then to be understood Synergise Sharpen the saw. Coveys 8 th Habit Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs
10 PRACTICAL ADVICE Plan around Quadrant II Plan and organise daily, weekly, monthly… Learn to say NO Delegate (up and down!) Uses meetings effectively to get action Plan based on priorities and plan free time for reactive work Nike principle – Just do it Do not delay difficult tasks.
11 AND FINALLY… What did you say you could you do regularly to make a big difference? Are they Quadrant II ? Are they important but not urgent? Because they are not urgent you dont do them …get into Quadrant II.