Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Feb__
EXPLORE Page 133 – Use a standard protractor. You will need a ruler. ➤ Use a ruler to draw an angle. ➤ Have your partner: • use the 45°, 90°, and 180° angles above as reference angles to estimate the size of the angle • record the estimate ➤ Trade roles. Continue until you have 4 different angles. Try to make angles that are acute, right, and obtuse.
To measure any angle, just follow these 4 steps: Estimate - is it acute (less than 90°) OR is it obtuse (greater than 90°)? 2) Place protractor properly so the vertex (corner) of the angle is at the center of the protractor and one arm lines up with the base line. 3) Start at 0° on the arm along the base line. Slide your finger around the arc of the protractor counting up from 0°. Find where the other arm meets the protractor. Read the measure.
4) What if the angle is a reflex angle? Measure the other side of the angle and subtract from 360º.
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 1) What is the measure of each angle? Explain how you know. a) b) c)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 1) What is the measure of each angle? Explain how you know. a) 35º b) c)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 1) What is the measure of each angle? Explain how you know. a) 35º b) 90º c)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 1) What is the measure of each angle? Explain how you know. a) 35º b) 90º c) 140º
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 1) What is the measure of each angle? Explain how you know. a) 35º b) 90º c) 140º I know these measures are correct because the protractor was placed on the horizontal arm, and I started on the scale at 0º.
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 2) Estimate Measurement Difference Name a) b) c) d) e) f)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 2) Estimate Measurement Difference Name a) 30º 35º 5º acute b) c) d) e) f)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 2) Estimate Measurement Difference Name a) 30º 35º 5º acute b) 80º 76º 4º acute c) d) e) f)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 2) Estimate Measurement Difference Name a) 30º 35º 5º acute b) 80º 76º 4º acute c) 110º 115º 5º obtuse d) e) f)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 2) Estimate Measurement Difference Name a) 30º 35º 5º acute b) 80º 76º 4º acute c) 110º 115º 5º obtuse d) 20º 21º 1º acute e) f)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 2) Estimate Measurement Difference Name a) 30º 35º 5º acute b) 80º 76º 4º acute c) 110º 115º 5º obtuse d) 20º 21º 1º acute e) 100º 107º 7º obtuse f)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 2) Estimate Measurement Difference Name a) 30º 35º 5º acute b) 80º 76º 4º acute c) 110º 115º 5º obtuse d) 20º 21º 1º acute e) 100º 107º 7º obtuse f) 170º 165º 5º obtuse
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 5)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 5) I can tell I’m using the correct scale on the protractor, because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 5) I can tell I’m using the correct scale on the protractor, because I start at the 0º mark on the horizontal arm. I can also tell by checking my measurement with my estimate.
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 6) Use a protractor to find the measure of each reflex angle. How can you check that your measure is correct? a) b) c)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 6) Use a protractor to find the measure of each reflex angle. How can you check that your measure is correct? I measure the opposite angle and then subtract from 360º. a) b) c)
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 6) Use a protractor to find the measure of each reflex angle. How can you check that your measure is correct? I measure the opposite angle and then subtract from 360º. a) 45º So… b) c) 360º - 45º = 315º
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 6) Use a protractor to find the measure of each reflex angle. How can you check that your measure is correct? I measure the opposite angle and then subtract from 360º. a) 45º So… b) 110º So… c) 360º - 45º = 315º 360º - 110º = 250º
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 6) Use a protractor to find the measure of each reflex angle. How can you check that your measure is correct? I measure the opposite angle and then subtract from 360º. a) 45º So… b) 110º So… c) 165º So… 360º - 45º = 315º 360º - 110º = 250º 360º - 165º = 195º
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 7) Use a protractor to solve each riddle. a) I have 4 equal angles. Each angle measures 90°. Which letter am I? b) I do not have any angles that measure 90°. I have 3 angles that measure 60°. I have 2 angles that measure 120°. Which letter am I? c) I have 2 right angles. I have 1 acute angle. I have 1 obtuse angle. Which letter am I? d) Make up your own letter riddle. Trade riddles with a classmate. Solve your classmate’s riddle.
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 7) Use a protractor to solve each riddle. a) I have 4 equal angles. Each angle measures 90°. Which letter am I? E or X b) I do not have any angles that measure 90°. I have 3 angles that measure 60°. I have 2 angles that measure 120°. Which letter am I? c) I have 2 right angles. I have 1 acute angle. I have 1 obtuse angle. Which letter am I? d) Make up your own letter riddle. Trade riddles with a classmate. Solve your classmate’s riddle.
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 7) Use a protractor to solve each riddle. a) I have 4 equal angles. Each angle measures 90°. Which letter am I? E or X b) I do not have any angles that measure 90°. I have 3 angles that measure 60°. I have 2 angles that measure 120°. Which letter am I? A c) I have 2 right angles. I have 1 acute angle. I have 1 obtuse angle. Which letter am I? d) Make up your own letter riddle. Trade riddles with a classmate. Solve your classmate’s riddle.
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 7) Use a protractor to solve each riddle. a) I have 4 equal angles. Each angle measures 90°. Which letter am I? E or X b) I do not have any angles that measure 90°. I have 3 angles that measure 60°. I have 2 angles that measure 120°. Which letter am I? A c) I have 2 right angles. I have 1 acute angle. I have 1 obtuse angle. Which letter am I? K d) Make up your own letter riddle. Trade riddles with a classmate. Solve your classmate’s riddle.
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 7) Use a protractor to solve each riddle. a) I have 4 equal angles. Each angle measures 90°. Which letter am I? E or X b) I do not have any angles that measure 90°. I have 3 angles that measure 60°. I have 2 angles that measure 120°. Which letter am I? A c) I have 2 right angles. I have 1 acute angle. I have 1 obtuse angle. Which letter am I? K d) Make up your own letter riddle. Trade riddles with a classmate. Solve your classmate’s riddle. I have exactly 2 right angles. Which letter am I?
Name ___ 6__ Lesson #3 - Measuring Angles Jan__ PRACTICE Pages 136 - 138 #’s 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 7) Use a protractor to solve each riddle. a) I have 4 equal angles. Each angle measures 90°. Which letter am I? E or X b) I do not have any angles that measure 90°. I have 3 angles that measure 60°. I have 2 angles that measure 120°. Which letter am I? A c) I have 2 right angles. I have 1 acute angle. I have 1 obtuse angle. Which letter am I? K d) Make up your own letter riddle. Trade riddles with a classmate. Solve your classmate’s riddle. I have exactly 2 right angles. Which letter am I? T