The Spread Of Islam 100% Islam
Crisis Muhammad dies in 632 Muslims now had to find a new leader Muhammad did not name a successor
Solution Muslims chose Abu-Bakr who was a loyal friend of Muhammad He became the first Caliph Caliph – (kay-lif) means successor or deputy
Abu-Bakr After Muhammad died some Muslims Refused to pay taxes Tried to say they were prophets themselves Some tribes abandoned Islam In order to get things under control, Abu-Bakr used the military to get authority.
Muslim State By the time Abu died, the Muslim state controlled all of Arabia Under the next 2 caliphs they took: Syria Lower Egypt Parts of Persia By 750 they controlled from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indus River (2x the width of the USA!!)
Muslim Troops They were successful because they were Willing to struggle till the end for Islam Well disciplined Expertly commanded Enemies were not used to their style of warfare
Byzantine and Persia The Byzantine and Persia were already weak from long time conflicts The people welcomed Islam
Treatment of Conquered People Muslims were tolerant of conquered people The Quran forbids forceful conversion They let others keep their religion if they paid a poll tax People who did not convert were not allowed to spread their own religions
To Be Continued…
Pictures Cited Slide 1 – Clipart 2007 Slide 2 – Clipart 2007