Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) President Andrew Jackson, “John Marshall has made his decision. Let him enforce it.” Chief Justice John Marshall, “Cherokee Nation are not subject to state law.”
Little Rock Nine Brown v. Board of Education (1954) Governor Orval Faubus refused President Eisenhower sent in the army
Tefillin at Qumran
משנה סנהדרין יא:ג חומר בדברי סופרים מבדברי תורה האומר אין תפילין כדי לעבור על דברי תורה פטור חמשה טוטפות להוסיף על דברי סופרים חייב. There is a greater stringency regarding teachings of the scribes than regarding teachings of the Torah. If one says, there is no precept of tefillin, such that a biblical law would be transgressed, he is exempt. [But, if he rules that the tefillin must contain] five compartments, thus adding to the words of the scribes, he is liable.
Yerushalmi Sanhedrin 11:4 (30b) התורה אמרה ארבע טוטפות של ארבע פרשיות עשאן חמש טוטפות של ארבע פרשיות חייב The Torah stipulated four sections of four pericopae; if one made five sections of four pericopae he is liable.