The survival and growth of deep sea gorgonians at the Waikiki Aquarium William Duritsch
Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion To find the conditions that lead to the successful survival and growth of deep sea gorgonians in captivity 1
Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion Matrix 1 Matrix 2 2
Log Transformation (x + 1) Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion Rows Columns Average Skewness 1.526 -0.115 0.454 -0.335 No outliers Log Transformation (x + 1) 3
E Date vs. Salinity pH Ammonia 4 Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion E Date vs. Salinity pH Ammonia 4
PCA Data was normal Only 4.1% empty cells One outlier 5 Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion PCA Data was normal Only 4.1% empty cells One outlier 5
Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion 6
Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion 7
Coefficient of Determination Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion Coefficient of Determination Orthogonality 8
Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion PCA Graph T 9
Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion 10
Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion So far none of the results have given answers to which type of aquaria performed best or the overall best corals. Environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, nutrients, etc. no effect on coral size. 11
Objective Dataset Processing Exploration Analysis Interpretation Discussion Next Steps I propose using for PerMANOVA my re-analysis so that I can compare the effect of the different types of aquaria used as well as the effect of the different families and genera. The next step for this study would be to perform the same analysis on the data from October 2017 through the present. 12
The survival and growth of deep sea gorgonians at the Waikiki Aquarium William Duritsch