Latitude and Longitude
Know your directions!!
Latitude and Longitude Equator: imaginary line that goes east and west and divides the earth into two equal halves called hemispheres (northern and southern) Prime Meridian: imaginary line that goes north and south and divides the earth into two equal hemispheres (east and west) Latitude: lines that run left and right of the earth. Latitude lines above the equator are north latitudes, latitude lines south of the equator are south latitudes Longitude: lines that run up and down the earth. Longitude lines east of the Prime Meridian are east longitudes, and longitude lines west of the prime meridian are west longitudes
Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere
p. A4-A5 Working with your partner find the coordinates for the following cities 1-Sydney, Australia 2-Beijing, China 3-Vancouver, Canada 4-Cape Town, South Africa 5-Buenos Aires, Argentina