Reading Guide Answers Many cities grew rapidly Italy was divided while France was unified Safer life to escape war Techniques and ideas from the Italian renaissance, Northern Artists studied in Italy and took ideas back to their homelands Woodcuts and engraving of religious subjects He developed new techniques using oil paints
Reading Answers 6. Its ceremonies and greed Church Reforms Improving Society 7. Utopia Latin 8. Boys went to school and girls did not Someone who fought for women’s rights 9. Queen Elizabeth I No she was educated and a prominent Political Figure (opinion based)
Continued 10. He was a playwright and his plays inspired many people Macbeth 11. Johann Gutenberg, Mainz Germany, 1440 It allowed for hundreds of copies to be made 12. Arts praised individual achievements, More realistic representation, drew on techniques and style of classical Greece and Rome, and secular and religious works 13. Printing led to information being more available to masses, desire to learn, published discoveries, question rulers and church
Northern Renaissance
Northern Renaissance Begins 1450: northern Europe population had declined and was beginning to grow again. Urban merchants became wealthy enough to sponsor artists Wealth increased in other parts of Europe and patronage (investing) of artists increased as well. England and France were unified under 1 ruler Renaissance ideas spread out of Italy and mingled with northern traditions.
Artistic Ideas Spread War broke out in Italy so artists fled to safer lives in Northern Europe German Painters, Flemish Painters, and Christian Humanists became prominent Utopian: means no place in Greek, in English means no ideal place Women’s Reform
Elizabethan Age William Shakespeare: most famous writer of the Elizabethan Age, people regard him as the greatest playwright of all time
Printing Spread Renaissance Ideas Chinese invented block printing, a printer carved words or letters on a wooden block, inked the block, and then used it to print on paper. Bi Sheng invented a movable type Around 1440 Johann Gutenberg, a craftsman from Mainz Germany, developed the printing press that incorporated a number of technologies in a new way. Could produce books fast and cheap Gutenberg printed the complete Bible– the first full size book printed with movable type Books were now cheap enough for many to buy
Legacy of the Renaissance Changes in the Arts Art drew on techniques and styles of Greece and Rome Paintings and sculptures portrayed individuals and nature in more realistic ways Artists created works that were secular (worldly) as well as those that were religious writers began to use vernacular languages to express ideas The arts praised individual achievement.
Legacy of the Renaissance Changes in Society Printing changes society More books means more desire for learning and a rise in literacy Published accounts of new discoveries, maps, charts Christian humanists attempt to reform society and change views on how life should be lived People being to question political structures and religious practices