Settling the west 1865-1900
Sub-Units Miners and Ranchers Farming Native Americans
Mining and Ranching Trace the growth of the mining industry in the West. Describe the ways that new technology changed the open-range ranching. Analyze how heavy investment in the cattle industry affected economy of the United States.
Mining rich deposits of silver, gold, and copper prospectors placer mining quartz mining Comstock Lode Henry Comstock Silver ore Virginia City, NV boom towns crime vigilance committees Bonanza “Pike’s Peak or Bust” Denver
Ranching Texas longhorn Long drive Range wars adaptation open range cowhands beef prices Long drive mavericks dime novels Range wars barbed wire ranch hand
Review Questions How did the mining industry affect towns and cities in the West? How did the invention and use of barbed wire affect the cattle industry?
Farming the Plains Explain why and how people began settling the Plains. Identify the geographic features created obstacles to the settlement of the Great Plains. Analyze the relationship between private property rights and settlement of the Great Plains. Evaluate why some people feel that the closing of the frontier was the end of an era.
Geography rainfall and timber “Great American Desert” Settlement railroad “rain follows the plow” Homestead Act (1862) obstacles
Wheat Belt inventions and farming techniques “Wheat Belt” dry farming seed drills & threshing machines sodbusters “Wheat Belt” bonanza farms
Closing of the Frontier Oklahoma Land Rush Oklahoma Boomers Oklahoma Sooners Census Bureau Report 1890 “safety-valve of social discontent” ability to make a fresh start
Questions What is the geography of the Great Plains? How did the railroads and the federal government help settle the Great Plains? Why did much of the Great Plains region become the Wheat Belt? Why was the Census Bureau’s report of 1890 disturbing to some people?
Native Americans Discuss conflicts that arose between the Plains Indians and American settlers. Explain the proposal the Indian Peace Commission offer the Plains Indians. Analyze the effect Helen Hunt Jackson’s book had on the United States government.
Culture nomadic extended family networks and close relationship to nature roles and tasks
Pressure first major clash on the Plains began in 1862 Dakota Sioux small reservations annuities Little Crow exiles Lakota Sioux patrols Fetterman’s Massacre Sand Creek Massacre Indian Peace Commission
Native American wars buffalo Black Hills Gold Rush of 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn George A. Custer Custer’s Last Stand Nez Perce Massacre at Wounded Knee (1890) Ghost Dance Sitting Bull Dawes Act assimilation
Questions What was the culture of the Great Plains Indians? What events led to the formation of the Indian Peace Commission? Why did many Native Americans leave their reservations? Why was the idea of assimilation of the Native Americans a failure?