Responding to Children’s Books
You Will Need Your children’s book Stack of sticky notes Something to write with
In your groups… Take turns reading your children’s books to your group (DO NOT READ THE PREFACE) After each person reads- the OTHER group members must respond to the book on the sticky note following CRAFT guidelines After feedback has been written down- fold the sticky note in half (wait to hand it to the author until I tell you to do so) REPEAT UNTIL ALL HAVE PRESENTED
Audience Response= CRAFT C- What/who was your favorite CHARACTER- WHY? R- REVISE- is there any singular part of the book/images/plot/visual format that you feel should be revised to IMPROVE the piece? WHY? IF NOT- TELL THEM WHY YOU FEEL THIS IS A STRONG BOOK A- What type of AUDIENCE do you think would be perfect for this book? F- What specifically was your FAVORITE part/detail/element of this book? WHY did this stand out to you? (Be specific) T- What statement of THEME do you think the author intended to communicate to their audience?
Switch! Before saying goodbye to your group- hand out feedback (read LATER) Find a new group and REPEAT the entire process (share + CRAFT responses)until the end of class
I Am Looking For Readers Tomorrow we will have about 40 minutes to share as many of these BEAUTIFUL stories as we can with the entire class- please mentally prepare yourself to be BRAVE as I may call on you to share PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING! Would anyone like to sign up TODAY? For candy?