Welcome Dr. Manuel L. Isquierdo Proud Superintendent Sunnyside USD
Welcome SUSD Governing Board
Employee associations Sunnyside Education Association Chris Walden-Jones President Sunnyside Classified Employees Association Manny “Rebel” Portillo President Sunnyside Administrators Association Lorena Escárcega President
Superintendent’s Cabinet Dr. Jeannie Favela Assistant Superintendent Student Services Raúl Ochoa Assistant Superintendent Operations and Facilities Planning Hector Encinas Chief Financial Officer Anna Maiden Executive Director Human Resources Bernie Cohn Administrative Director Elementary Schools Steve Holmes Director Language Acquisition and Development/Special Asst. to the Superintendent for Project Graduation Monique Soria Director Public Relations and Organizational Development
New Administrators Art Basurto Director Transportation Bernie Cohn Administrative Director Elementary Schools Hector Encinas Chief Financial Officer Steve Holmes Director, LAD Special Asst. to Supt. Eneida Orcí Interim Principal Liberty Elementary School Linda Swango Interim Principal Los Ranchitos Elementary
Welcome SUSD Governing Board
Demographics District Student Enrollment 17,306 Hispanic 87.7% Anglo 5.6% Native American 4.1% African American 2.1% Asian/Pacific Islander 0.5% English Language Learners Grades K-5 42.1% Grades 6-8 23.4% Grades 9-12 16.2% K-12 31.6% Eligible for free and reduced meals 14,434 students 83.6% Homeless 5.8% Graduation Rate 63% Staff Certified 1,128 School site administrators 37 Central administrators 29 Support staff 1,044
Sunnyside and the State’s Image Parent literacy challenges Dropout factory 49th in funding in nation Cultural intolerance Poverty High mobility Corrective action Reading below grade level ELD Model Low funding Low graduation rate Crime and violence Underperforming schools Low expectations
Sunnyside and the State’s Image What is real? What is a stereotype? What is an excuse?
The Dropout Crisis Nationally, nearly one in five high schools has weak promoting power (<60%). Arizona is one of 15 states that collectively house almost 80% of the country’s high schools producing the highest number of dropouts. Sunnyside High School and Desert View High School made the nation’s “dropout factory” list in a follow-up brief given to the Associated Press from Johns Hopkins University in 2007. Based upon data for the graduating classes of 2004-06, 35 high schools in Arizona—one in five—made this list of schools that qualified by having weak promoting power (<60%).
Sunnyside and the State’s Image Parent literacy challenges Dropout factory 49th in funding in nation Cultural intolerance Poverty High mobility Corrective action Reading below grade level ELL Model Low funding Low graduation rate Crime and violence Underperforming schools Low expectations
Sunnyside’s Challenge We will continue our commitment to improve the public’s perception of our community and confidence in our ability to educate, graduate and prepare our students for the world of work and college.
The New Generation NxT LeVeL Dance Group Desert View High School Glenna Hood and James Merino Sponsors, Jobs for Arizona’s Graduates (JAG)
The world is watching AZ School Boards Assoc. Laptops motivate Sunnyside District students, bridge digital divide Digital Journal U.S. School District Electrifies With Free Laptops Cox Communications Cox Brings Stars into Reach for Many Letter from General Colin Powell, (Retired)
Goal One: Graduate A record number for SUSD - 715 graduates in the Class of 2009, up from 598 in 2008
Goal One: Graduate Graduation begins in elementary school
Goal One: Graduate Desert View graduate Stephanie Celaya-Serventi was named a 2009 Gates Millennium Scholar; her studies will be paid in full through postgraduate work. She is one of 1,000 Scholars selected from 20,000 applicants. Sunnyside High graduate Nicole Esquivel received the Arizona Legislators Latino Caucus Cesar Chavez Award. Dollars for Scholars awarded $73,500 in scholarships to 64 SUSD graduates in 2009.
Project Graduation: The Digital Advantage
Goal One: Graduate Sunnyside Unified School District had an outstanding 2008-2009 year!
Graduation 2009 715 Diplomas!!! 406....SHS 278....DVHS 31......STAR
Project Graduation: The Digital Advantage PYRAMID OF INTERVENTIONS - FRESHMEN INTERVENTION NEEDS TIER 1- 505 DIGITAL ADVANTAGE COHORT TIER 2- 83 Students: PROFILE: Students with a 2.5 or higher but less than 95% attendance INTERVENTION: Referral to advisory Teachers and Ignite mentors to foster connections to the school TIER 3- 142 Students: PROFILE: Student with 95% attendance, but lower than a 2.5 GPA INTERVENTION: Individual student plan of action working with GEAR-Up; family contact; referral to Reading Plus Pyramid of Interventions (TIERS 2-5) Cohort 2012 Pyramid of Interventions (TIERS 2-5) Cohort 2012 TIER 4- 163 Students: PROFILE: Less than a 2.5 GPA, less than 95% attendance, failing 0 – 1 class INTERVENTION: Intervention by counselors; potential to earn partial summer school scholarships for credit recovery TIER 5-267 Students PROFILE: 2 F’s or more, less than 95% attendance INTERVENTION: Intervention by counselors; potential to earn partial summer school scholarships for credit recovery Even with a laptop initiative, challenges remain.
598 ACADEMIC PROGRESS OF 2008 COHORT Diplomas FOCUS AWARENESS FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION Site-Based Intervention Plan / Summer School / Credit Recovery Site-Based Intervention Plan /Summer School/ Credit Recovery/ GED
ACADEMIC PROGRESS OF 2009 COHORT Graduation Update Location (2008,2007,2006)January 2008 September 2008 January 2009 16 credits or more Total number of students 598 Diplomas May 2008 2009 COHORT 2009,2008,2007 Academically on track to graduate District 571 586 638 661 679 DVHS 211 219 242 258 SSHS 360 367 396 419 421 15 – 15.75 credits Could graduate with credit recovery 57 58 68 31 34 35 40 19 21 26 23 28 12 13 6 – 14.75 credits Could graduate with credit recovery next year 81 149 174 98 111 50 84 100 54 67 65 74 44 Fewer than 6 credits Enrolled with little academic progress 4 15 14 18 2 8 7 AS OF 3RD QTR- ON TRACK 713 Site-Based Intervention Plan / Summer School / Credit Recovery Counselor Intervention / Summer School / Credit Recovery / GED
Sunnyside HS Attendance Data- 1st Semester 2008-2009 Year
Desert View HS Attendance Data- 1st Semester 2008-2009 Year
Desert View HS Attendance Data- 2nd Semester 2008-2009 Year
Sunnyside HS Attendance Data- 2nd Semester 2008-2009 Year
DESERT VIEW HIGH SCHOOL: 2 or more F’s 1st Quarter (2 or more Fs) TOTAL 2 3 4 5 6 2011-DVHS (596): Last Year’s Freshmen 226 91 66 30 25 14 2012-DVHS (626): This Year’s Freshmen 165 72 45 18 TOTAL 24.8 % DROP SUNNYSIDE HIGH SCHOOL: 2 or more F’s 1st Quarter (2 or more Fs) TOTAL 2 3 4 5 6 2011-SSHS (659): Last Year’s Freshmen 227 90 68 45 17 7 2012-SSHS (585): This Year’s Freshmen 121 55 41 19 1 TOTAL 40.1 % DROP
DESERT VIEW HIGH SCHOOL: 2 or more F’s 2nd Semester Desert View School Yr GradYear Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2008-09 2012 187 73 41 35 20 9 2007-08 2011 176 71 44 37 12 11 1 2006-07 2010 229 87 45 31 24 SUNNYSIDE HIGH SCHOOL: 2 or more F’s 2nd Semester Sunnyside School Yr GradYear Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2008-09 2012 174 62 43 31 25 9 2007-08 2011 149 79 34 18 10 2006-07 2010 202 83 45 33 22 1
Digital Advantage Metrics SUSD is proud to announce the awarding of 844 laptops to our students in 2008-09! 505 awarded to freshmen 339 awarded to sophomores, juniors and seniors Freshmen who received laptops participated in after-school programs On-line: 60 students enrolled for .5 credit courses CS&C ELL computer-based program: 80 students enrolled Parent meetings/training: Sponsored by school sites, GEAR UP, and Pima Community College Parent Engagement meetings throughout the year to provide updates on the progress of Project Graduation and other district information COX Communications partnership: Audio/visual for graduation ceremonies Internet for students receiving laptops Financial contribution to The Digital Advantage
Digital Advantage Coverage/ Awards/ Recognitions/ Presentations Media Coverage Newspapers • ASBA Journal • E-journals Television • Radio interviews Recognitions 2009 ASPRA*tions Award to SUSD Public Relations from Arizona School Public Relations Association for marketing of The Digital Advantage City of Tucson Proclamation declares April 9, 2009 as Digital Scholars Day Finalist for 2008 Common Ground Award Hosting national summits Goal One: Graduate Summit – America’s Promise Alliance Youth Symposium, Nov. 13, 2008 at Sunnyside High School National LULAC – Campaign for High School Equity Dropout Prevention Discussion and Parent Advocacy Workshop, March 5, 2009 at Sunnyside High School
Goals for today’s presentation Celebrations Challenges District responses and opportunities Star Teachers and Pride of Sunnyside
Historical Context Blueprint for Student Achievement, SMART goals Project Graduation – The Digital Advantage Failure is NOT an Option HOPE, Courageous Leadership Academies Shaping Corporate Culture – organizational efficiency
District Challenges Corrective action / Performance labels Budget crisis Organizational efficiency ADM - attendance accounting Auditor General English Language Development Change – staying focused and maintaining momentum
Challenges Financial National economic crisis State of Arizona is facing a $2 billion deficit that will have an impact on education FY 2010 - SUSD is facing a $2.9 - $4.8 million deficit
Challenges – Financial History July 2008 – SUSD adopts a $98.7 million FY09 M&O budget May 2009 - SUSD directed to reduce its FY09 M&O budget to $96.7 million. Expenditures are reduced to $96.7 million level. July 2009 – SUSD adopts a $93.8 million FY10 M&O budget. Prior Year expenditures @ $96.7 million – SUSD facing a $2.9 million deficit. September 2009 – SUSD directed to reduce it FY10 M&O budget to ???? (a budget of $91.9 = $4.8 million deficit)
SUSD’s Response Students and quality first instruction need to be the first priority Reduce programs first, personnel second Maintain staffing & sectioning allocations Academics have priority over activities Achieve savings through maximizing alignment & efficiency
Responses - Financial $2.9 million savings formula $1.1 million repurposing aides $1.8 million staffing & sectioning $4.8 million savings formula $2.9 above plus: ESI contract savings $0.4 million Prevention Specialist funding change $0.3 million Organizational efficiency (hiring freeze in non-instructional areas, attrition savings, Homebound Program refinement) $0.2 million Implement furloughs as a last resort - $1.0 million Attendance Student: ADM is the lifeblood of all school districts. Keeping absences below 5.7% through first 100 days ensures maximum funding. Staff: No one can do your job better than you. Reducing staff absences also will result in reduced substitute costs. Organizational efficiency
Thank you Sunnyside Education Association Sunnyside Classified Employees Association Sunnyside Administrators Association for your leadership in our community and for organizing the Rally for Public Education.
Challenges English Language Development Two-hour model disallowed and now we must change our position Four-hour mandate Corrective Action Withholding of funds Segregation of students Additional financial burden – no new funds
District’s courageous previous position Governing Board Courageous leadership
Between a rock and a hard place
SUSD’s Response The Sunnyside Unified School District will comply with the mandated time requirements. To offset the effects of segregation, we are committed to ensuring that ELLs in the Language Development Blocks receive a high quality curriculum provided by a high quality teacher.
ELD rationale for four-hour block Castañeda v. Pickard decision Supreme Court Flores decision Equal Educational Opportunities Act Opportunities for focused, targeted and systematic development of language and literacy K-12
ELD Guiding Principles Resource neutral- Implement within current budget constraints Minimization of adverse impact - Implementation shall not have a negative impact on mainstream classrooms. Access to the Literacy CORE - It is strongly recommended that schools use their current reading/Literacy adoption for a portion of the four-hour block and accommodate for the needs of English language learners. Explicit development of language - Schools are encouraged to use the current Language Development materials and best practices to develop the four Domains of Language. Deliberate interactions with language models - Opportunities must be made available for ELLs to integrate with mainstream students.
Challenges AYP and Arizona LEARNS District in Corrective Action Schools not meeting AYP Schools not meeting Arizona LEARNS standards
District Improvement History
Desert View Math
Desert View Reading
Sunnyside Math
Sunnyside Reading
AYP and Arizona LEARNS Performance Labels 2009 School Level Results AYP and Arizona LEARNS Performance Labels High Schools
AYP and Arizona LEARNS Performance Labels 2009 School Level Results AYP and Arizona LEARNS Performance Labels Middle Schools
2009 School Level Results AYP and AZ LEARNS Performance Labels Elementary Schools
District Performance Challenges Inconsistent system to increase English Language Learner academic proficiency Inconsistent system to increase Special Education learner academic proficiency Ineffective vertical alignment of mathematics and reading curriculums across the district Cohort graduation rate challenge
Implications and Consequences of Corrective Action Increasing loss of autonomy in decision-making Must implement a NEW viable aligned curriculum K-12 Budget scrutiny from federal and state auditors Staffing scrutinized by state based on Highly Qualified concerns State-directed District SMART goal areas
District Response New leadership/ new roles Curriculum Audit recommendations implemented in 2009 Implement Beyond Textbooks K-8 ELD model Launch Curriculum Advantage districtwide
District School Improvement Goals Goal 1: Reading Proficiency Goal 2: Mathematics Proficiency Goal 3: Proficiency in English for English Language Learners Goal 4: HQ Teachers & Para-professionals Goal 5: Safe and Drug-Free Schools Conducive to Learning Goal 6: Graduation Rate Goal 7: Parent and Family Engagement Goal 8: Special Education
District responses to challenges – Opportunities - Curriculum Advantage Curriculum mapping/ Beyond Textbooks, K-8 Atlas, grades 9-12 Quality first instruction Language of Instruction Essential Elements of Instruction (EEI) Three Rs: Rigor, Relevance and Relationships Collaboration (rubric) Walk-through’s and coaching Learning walks, visibility and support Districtwide Literacy Initiative
District responses to challenges – Opportunities - Districtwide Literacy Initiative Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) grades 4-8 Standardized assessment for first time Read 180 and System 44 for all middle schools Reading Plus for ninth grade
Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) 4th – 8th grade computer-based assessments allow educators to: Measure students’ levels of reading comprehension Identify independent and instructional levels of reading using the Lexile Framework Differentiate instruction Identify areas of instructional focus Forecast student growth toward state performance
Middle School Interventions System 44 90-minute intervention that focuses on (below 400 lexile): Phonemic awareness and phonics foundation for the older struggling reader Word analysis (syllabication and morphology) Spelling, vocabulary (usage and meaning) Sight words Read 180 90-minute intervention that focuses on (above 400 lexile): Text comprehension Fluency Spelling, vocabulary Writing and grammar Spelling Phonics and phonemic awareness for the older struggling reader
Curriculum Advantage Beyond Textbooks Sharing teacher success and creativity Essential standards: Represent a “safety net” of standards each teacher ensures that every student learns prior to leaving the current grade Unwrapped standards: Summarize the rigor, big ideas, essential questions and evidence of mastery for a given learning objective Curriculum calendar: Instrument to keep teachers and students on track for academic success
Curriculum Advantage Why calendars? For students Consistent scope and sequence in all K-8 classrooms reduces the impact of mobility For teachers The WHAT and WHEN are done - teachers are able to focus on HOW lessons will be planned and delivered at high levels of rigor and relevance For the district Providing all students a guaranteed and viable curriculum
Performance Task / Model Product Explicit Descriptions of the Essential Standards Vocabulary, Skills, Level of Rigor The Big Ideas Essential Questions Performance Task / Model Product
District K-8 Focus Year 1 Three Main Components Full implementation of the web-based pacing calendars Utilization of the Unwrapped Standards for planning, collaboration and instructional delivery Administration of the mini-formatives in reading and math and consistent use of the data for re-teaching and enrichment opportunities
Rigor/Relevance Framework International Center for Leadership in Education The Rigor/Relevance Framework is a tool developed by staff of the International Center for Leadership in Education to examine curriculum, instruction and assessment. It is based on two dimensions of higher standards and student achievement. Knowledge Taxonomy, a continuum based on the six levels of Bloom's Taxonomy, describes the increasingly complex ways in which we think. Application Model is one of action. Its five levels describe putting knowledge to use.
Rigor/Relevance Framework KNOWLEDGE C Problems D Projects Activities B A A P P L I C A T I O N
The Three Rs Rigor, Relevance, Relationships Curriculum Beyond Textbooks Literacy Initiative Quality first instruction Collaboration Relevance Addressing the digital divide Transformation through technology Relationships Advocacy AVID Community partnerships Student engagement Recognition - Star Teachers, Pride of Sunnyside honorees
District responses to challenges - Opportunities - Transformation through technology Technology training for students and parents Technology training for teachers Teachers’ expanded role and opportunities Attendance-taking Access to AIMS, student data 24/7 Grades, lesson plans posted on web (Parent Connect) (new slide) Digital Stories Classrooms of the Future Internet access Relevancy
The Sunnyside Community Stories Project engages middle and high school students as cultural reporters to document and present the history, culture, and identity of the Sunnyside community. A component of the Sunnyside Learning Community Initiative, it is funded by USA Funds with support from UApresents and the Sunnyside Foundation. Digital Stories Digital stories created by students can be viewed at Participating schools: Apollo Lauffer Sierra Desert View STAR Academic Sunnyside High
AVID: 28 Years of Success Relationships Over 28 years, AVID has become one of the most successful college-preparatory programs ever for low-income, underserved students, and today reaches more than 250,000 students in more than 3,500 U.S. schools in 49 states, Canada, and 15 other countries. Relationships 76
Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole percent AVID Update AVID graduates College students 98% plan to enroll in a college or university 69% plan to enroll in a four-year university 29% plan to enroll in a two-year college 83% of parents have less than a four-year college degree _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Source: AVID Center Senior Data Collection System, 2006-2007 (N=10,949) Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole percent 77
Advancement via Individual Determination AVID promotes rigor for all students AVID study skills are taught schoolwide through advisory Advisory provides an opportunity for all students to receive some of the same support that students receive from AVID instructors AVID strategies, implemented schoolwide, provide the foundation for secondary school reform
AVID and SUSD How are we growing AVID in SUSD? What progress are our students making? Where are we on the continuum toward districtwide AVID? Challenger AVID
The Development of AVID in a District Core AVID Program Schoolwide AVID Districtwide AVID Essential Questions Are we meeting the 11 AVID Essentials? How experienced and effective are our AVID elective teachers? Do we have an adequate number of trained tutors? How accessible are our most rigorous courses? How well does our site team use the AVID strategies such as WICR? Are our site team leaders? Are we involving AVID parents? Essential Questions Are the Essentials in routine use? Have we increased our AVID sections with diverse staff? Have we created a system for access to rigor? Have we increased our site team’s size and influence? Is WICR used across campus, and are AP teachers involved? Do we see an increased college-going culture? Essential Questions Are all of our AVID sites certified? Do executive leaders work with AVID teams? Is there a district plan for college readiness, grades 4-12? Have we expanded district opportunities for AVID training? Is college readiness a stated district priority?
AVID Enrollment
Indicators of Districtwide AVID Increased college-prep course completion in high school and enrollment in college Improved attendance Improved performance on state accountability tests Schools focus on academics A more cohesive faculty Increased AP participation School and district focus on college prep Persistence in college
AVID Enrollment Eighth-Grade Algebra
AVID Enrollment Desert View AP
AVID Enrollment Sunnyside AP
Pride of Sunnyside Elementary Enriquetta Yanez instructional assistant Los Amigos Ardith Varga school nurse Gallego Belle Rosete personal care attendant Early Childhood Education Norma Castro library clerk Drexel Karla Brockman ELL interventionist Summit View Ronald Harris campus monitor Rivera Erlinda Silvas intervention assistant Esperanza Lori Carbajal attendance clerk Elvira Angelica Norzagaray school secretary Mission Manor Betty Camacho SEI support Liberty Lisa Rabago reading interventionist Craycroft Renee Singleton reading interventionist Santa Clara Christine Garcia office assistant Los Niños Beatriz Lopez instructional assistant Los Ranchitos Gloria Gomez instructional assistant Ocotillo
Star Teachers Elementary Karen Johnson speech language pathologist Early Childhood Education Norma Mahoney kindergarten Santa Clara Marilyn Higginbotham 4th grade Gallego Erica Patrick-Vejar kindergarten Summit View Stephanie Shay 1st grade Los Amigos Stephanie Ponce 5th grade Craycroft Carmen Lamas kindergarten Liberty Margaret Hackett 4th grade Elvira Cindy Gay 3rd grade Ocotillo Jean Olson math specialist Los Niños Ann Arnold P.E. Rivera Kristi Hamblin 4th grade Mission Manor Cristina Guevara 3rd grade Los Ranchitos Bernadette Quiroz kindergarten Esperanza John Underhill 2nd grade Drexel
Pride of Sunnyside Middle School Mary Morris prevention specialist Chaparral Michael Fester prevention specialist & JAG coordinator Sierra Chris Higgins campus monitor Lauffer Jody Disney school nurse Challenger Gonzalo Ferreira advisor Apollo
Star Teachers Middle School Karen Rogers science Chaparral Martin Wiggins science Challenger Jennifer Trujillo-Johnson reading-language arts Apollo Nicholas Duddleston media arts Sierra Jackie Nichols social studies Lauffer
Pride of Sunnyside High School Brent Stahnke head custodian STAR Academic Mary Martinez instructional assistant, special education Sunnyside Bernadette Martin Central Administration Olga Lozano attendance clerk Desert View
Star Teachers High School Anne Hamilton ELD, all grades Desert View Kurt Fischer English Sunnyside Lupe Cantau SAFE STAR Academic
Have a successful 2009-2010 school year! OPENING OF SCHOOL 2009-2010