Class News What we’re Learning! Mar. 14-18 Things to Remember Mrs. Mingledorff Mar. 14-18 Things to Remember Mar. 16 AR reward - Dress up for St. Patrick’s day. We will parade around the school. Let’s see your best green! Everyone in our class reached their goal!! Mar. 17 Holiday Mar. 18 Out of Uniform day! Mar. 21 Report Cards Mar. 23 Eagle Jubilee at 1:30 – Those who made Honor Roll will be recognized. Mar. 24 Easter Party 2:00 Mar. 25-Apr. 1 Spring Break! Please begin to send in a dozen plastic Easter eggs with a treat inside for our party. No chocolate – it will melt! Continue practicing Math facts. We will have another Math challenge in May. To meet the challenge, your child needs to get 54 out of 60 problems correct in 4 minutes. Ice cream on Thursdays for $1 What we’re Learning! Words with diphthongs – “ou and ow” Place value – adding and subtracting two digit numbers Shared reading – The New Friend Theodore Roosevelt and George W. Carver Word Study – ou and ow words like out, found, how and now. Word assessment on Mar. 18 Words to know: buy, myself, school, city, party, seven, family, please (help your child read these) You can make flashcards for practice Your child needs to know how to spell ou and ow words and words to know words: seven, myself, please PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Homework *Practice words to know daily Monday – Read, Math sheet Tuesday – Read, Math sheet Wednesday – Read, write seven, myself and please 3 times and choose one word to make a sentence. Thursday – Read, math sheet and write seven, myself and please 2 times each Friday - Read Keep reading and working on those AR goals! Congratulations Alexis, Aiyana, Alex, Gavin, Ben, Noah, and Zack for reaching their AR goal! Practice for the Math Challenge! Weekly Schedule Monday – Technology and Library Tuesday – Music Wednesday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Thursday – Art Friday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes)