BBC Microbit
Objective of the lesson Use Block Editor to make Fading Heart All of you will: Create a Heart that fades up Most of you will: Change the speed of the fade Some of you will: Display a message once the Heart has reached maximum brightness
Fading Heart 2 This heart will fade on very gradually We will create a variable. A variable will change. This will be our brightness Create a variable, set item Change the Item, which is the name of the variable, to be Brightness Set this to equal 0 Add a forever loop. Set the brightness to equal the variable brightness. At the moment this is 0 so you will see no heart
We will add a short pause Then increase the brightness slightly This loops and the brightness increases slightly each time
Challenge 1. Experiment with the ‘pause’ and the ‘change brightness’ to change the fade effect 2. Replace forever with a ‘while do’ loop to check that Brightness is < 255. If it is, then the image fades up 3. Once Brightness has reached 255 make it show string “Love”