802.11i MIB variable name fixes


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Presentation transcript:

802.11i MIB variable name fixes July 2003 802.11i MIB variable name fixes Tim Moore Microsoft Tim Moore, Microsoft

July 2003 Some name typos 5.9.5, dot11RSNPMKLifetime  to dot11RSNAPMKLifetime,,, dot11RSNEnabled  to dot11RSNAEnabled dot11RSNNumberofReplayCounters to dot11RSNANumberofReplayCounters Tim Moore, Microsoft

July 2003 Motion Motion to instruct editor to change dot11RSNPMKLifetime  to dot11RSNAPMKLifetime in clause 5.9.5 and; to change dot11RSNEnabled  to dot11RSNAEnabled in clause,, and; to change dot11RSNNumberofReplayCounters to dot11RSNANumberofReplayCounters in clause Tim Moore, Microsoft