Overview of the MAT-A loci in single spore isolates from V. volvacea. Overview of the MAT-A loci in single spore isolates from V. volvacea. (A) Different MAT-A loci (A1–A8) are indicated by differently colored arrows. Strain names equal strain collection registration codes. (B) Overview of the HD1 and HD2 protein structures of the eight different mating types, and their compatibility in mating assays. Strain names are indicated above and left of the cross scheme, together with their corresponding mating types. Ability to form a heterokaryon (as determined by MAT-A gene specific PCRs) is indicated with “+”, while inability to form a heterokaryon is indicated by “−,” (e.g., A4 and A5 with A8). Structure of the MAT-A loci is given with arrows for HD1 and HD2 proteins, indicating their relative direction, and red squares for NLSs, blue squares for HDs and green squares for Di domains. Bingzhi Chen et al. G3 2016;6:2135-2146 ©2016 by Genetics Society of America