YPAS Vocal Music Department 8th Grade Open House Thursday October 29, 2015
Vocal Music Department Overview What will students do in vocal music at YPAS? Participate in choral ensembles and small groups that are focused on educating the student in classical singing. Students will learn art song repertoire and choral repertoire of many different styles and genres Attention will be paid to the student’s growth as an individual in terms of their solo singing and ensemble singing.
Vocal Music Department Overview What kinds of skills are taught in YPAS vocal? Vocal technique based in the Italianate school of singing. Music literacy, especially skill of music reading without the need of piano or rote learning. Understanding of scores at a higher level than merely being able to sing it. Artistry rather that simply being technically correct
Courses offered Vocal Development 1 (Freshmen/new students) Concert Choir (9th-12th) Ladies Ensemble (9th-12th) Gentlemen’s Ensemble (9th-12th) Chamber Choir (11th-12th) Opera Workshop (offered in select years) Vocal Pedagogy and Repertoire (offered in select years)
Performance Opportunities Fall Solo Recitals 4 Mainstage Choir Concerts including a Major Works Concert with orchestra Variety Show/Pops concert Opera productions Musicals (in conjunction with Musical Theatre and Theatre departments) Performances with professional community groups (Louisville Orchestra, Bourbon Baroque, WUOL)
Honor Choirs and Extras All-County All-State ACDA Regional and National Honor Choir Invited Choirs to Conventions such as Kentucky Music Educators, Intercollegiate Men’s Choruses, American Choral Director’s Association
Travel Opportunities Co-curricular and extra-curricular travel opportunities Tours during the school year for conferences and performances within the US (2014 NYC, 2016 Chattanooga, TN for ACDA) Summer enrichment tours to Europe and the Americas, hopefully soon to Asia, and Africa (these are summer enrichment opportunities that are optional for the edification and experience of our students) (Italy 2013, Costa Rica 2016)
Why do students come to YPAS? Usually it is because they want immersion in a place with like minded students. They understand that at YPAS music is a discipline not a hobby or just a fun class. This leads to high quality performance which is fun, but to get the most out of it, a lot of work is involved. They want to achieve on a high level Many want to pursue music beyond high school.
What do the students have to say? http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ1qVPYjP833HNjbKKieKEWuM3aRS6W4p
How to Apply/Audition Go to JCPS Website and apply online. Be sure to list YPAS Vocal Music as your FIRST CHOICE Submit required hard copy materials to Melissa Case at YPAS. Resume Picture Transcripts Essay Two teacher recommendations who can talk about your artistic capability (middle school choir director, private voice teacher, other music professionals. Please no relatives)
How to Apply/Audition Cont. See audition website for scheduling your audition Prepare two selections An art song or folk song A song of your choice (should show vocal potential. A current radio song is not recommended) Sight singing- you will be given a short melody to read at sight with 1 minute of preparation time. If you are currently in middle school choir, this will not be new to you.