Please pass this invitation to colleagues West Midlands AAC CEN Wednesday 13th June 2018 9.30am – 3.30pm St Lazar Church Hall, 92 Griffins Brook Lane, Bournville, Birmingham, B30 1QG. Programme This CEN will have an MND focus, and the topics covered will also be relevant to all those working with people (adults and children/YP) with progressive and/or acquired conditions in community/rehab and acute settings. To include: Mathew Hollis from the MNDA re AAC equipment project for local teams and other topics Voice and message banking presentation - Mary Groves OT, ACT Case studies from SLT CEN members Toby Churchill/ABILIA New Lightwriter the SL50 CEN AGM Research paper review and discussion - AAC intervention in the intensive care unit: The Children's Hospital Boston model Cost: Free for Members (Membership for 1 year is £5) To book places, please contact Please pass this invitation to colleagues